A soft knock came at the door, and Jay muttered a 'come in'. Mark slid in, and closed the door behind him. "Hey, doctor said we can use the results, you can take them if you want to..." Mark shook his head, and pointed at Harry.

"Can I have a minute to talk with him? Just he and I?" He asked. Johanna paused, and look of confusion played upon her features, but she let it pass anyways. She set Harry down, and nudged him cautiously towards Mark. "Hey Haz, let's take a little walk, shall we?" Harry nodded slowly, and Mark put his hand out for Harry to take. Harry shyly accepted, and started to walk next to the older man.

"How's Kiri doing?" He asked, catching the sniffly Harry off-guard. Harry looked up at him, confused, and a little dazed.

"My cat?" Harry asked, making sure that is, in fact, what Mark was asking.

"Yeah, the Maine-coon looking one. How is he?" Mark persisted, squeezing Harry's hand.

Harry thought for a minute, and shrugged. "He's losing some fur right now, got me a little worried. Gonna take him to the vet soon as I can." Mark nodded sympathetically, and set his hand on Harry's shoulder, rubbing softly.

"You'd do anything to help him, huh?" Mark asked, causing Harry to nod frantically.

"I've only known him for a little bit, but he's the loveliest kitty, I love him so much." Harry said, infatuation clear in his tone.

"Cats don't really like medication, do they?" Mark asked, a smile playing gently at his lips.

"No, but if he needs it, he needs it. No arguments from him. Guess I'll have to put it in chicken or something, as long as he takes it..." Harry's voice trailed off, and he looked up at Mark. "No wonder you're a lawyer... you're smart..." Harry mumbled, making the connection between Kiri and himself.

"I just led you a little, you drew your own conclusions." Mark said, picking Harry up and setting him on a ledge in front of him. Looking him in the eye, he sighed. "I haven't known you that long kiddo. But I want us to do all we can to help you. For me, that means winning this case. For my wife, that means giving you the necessary medication to get you on the path to normalcy again. For my son it means loving you with his whole heart. Two of us are able to do our jobs right now very easily. Unfortunately, as much as I hate to say it," Mark paused, and placed a firm hand on Harry's knee, making his voice a little stricter, "We are going to sit down. We are going to put your arm to sleep, and we are going to slide that PICC line right in. I've been talking with Jay about treatment options, and with your mum. I'm sorry you haven't been involved fully in them, but we didn't want to scare you before anything happened. But you're getting that PICC line in. However," Mark's voice softened, and his grip on Harry's knee loosened a little, "just like Kiri, we can't have medicine without some fun, so I'm taking everyone out for ice cream at The Four Seasons. Okay?"

Harry nodded slowly, unsure of how to react to the stricter tones of Mark, they made him nervous, but they were also... comforting? Once Harry agreed, Mark pulled him off the ledge, and gave him a hug. "You're another kid that isn't mine biologically, but certainly I care for like they are. Now come on son, we've got a case to win."

Post-trial, Harry was feeling a lot better. The only plus to his disease? Winning the battle against Derek, whom he ran into on his way out. "Know what? You're a right dick. And I hate you. I'm so glad you're going to prison, so you can't hurt any kid ever again." Harry spat out, before turning on his heel and running off. He didn't want to hear anything Derek said, so he used all his energy to get out while he could. Once out, he leaned on Louis and clung a little. "I know your dad had a chat with me, but I still-" Harry cut off, seeing as there were too many people around. He took Louis' hand and drug him off to a secure room. "I still don't want something slid into my arm. So um..." Harry gulped, and bashfully swung his hand that was attached to Louis', "Maybe we could have a reward of our own tonight?"

Abused (L.S) (Punk!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now