Intentionally Abducted

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I wandered through the forest, which was unusual for me, especially with what’s going on right now.  I walked along feeling the cool, night breeze on my face.  I heard the tree branches swaying in the wind above my head.  The trees ahead of me were barely recognisable.  The smell of fresh moss is all around me.  I knew this wasn’t right.  I knew it was dangerous.  But I was sick of being cooped up in that small flat for days on end.  I wondered if my guard had noticed I had snuck out.  Suddenly I heard a branch crack.  I thought it was just the wind or an animal had broken it.  Then I head loud, heavy breathing.  There was light ahead of me, shining down from above like a street lamp.  As far as I could remember this path didn’t have any street lamps.  It was a miracle I knew my way around.  Back to the point, I walked forward, towards the light, brushing off the heavy breathing thinking it was my mind playing tricks on me.  As I got closer I heard this humming noise. I froze and looked around.  There was nothing that could be making that noise.  I kept on walking.  The humming grew the closer I got to the light.  As I reached the light the humming became the churning of a helicopter propeller.  I looked up and saw a helicopter with a spotlight, shinning down on me.  I heard someone shout, “Get em!” Suddenly, BANG!!

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