2| The Blue Pact And A Scare

Start from the beginning

"It's called a romantic gesture Corrina, something you don't know Jackshit about" was Samantha's snide reply.
"This oath we have is a bummer, if Cecily and the girls knew, they'd about die from jealousy. He is sooooo hot. I wish I got a picture"

Corrie rolled her eyes at Sam's back .
"Are you okay Tay?" She whispered to Taylor. "You are so quiet"

"I am fine Corrie" Taylor didn't feel fine though, she was worried. The ominous feeling that had crept up her spine the more she thought about Blue Eyes words refused to subside. She might have to break her oath and tell their parents about tonight after all. Who threatened a family after giving gifts?

Samantha dropped Corrie off and in a few minutes she parked in their driveway. The lights were on downstairs which was strange. Their parents usually retired to their bedroom upstairs after dinner and it was way pass seven.

"why were you late!"

"Who's got the blue flowers?!"

These words attacked the girls immediately they stepped in the house, the harsh yell was their mother's.

Taylor stood dumbstruck, their mother had been crying and their Dad had the aura of someone in grief. Samantha stiffened beside her and Taylor knew she sensed it too...something was wrong.

Their mother ran up to Samantha and gripped her hands while her red puffy eyes spilled some more tears.

"Tell me darling, who has the blue flowers?" She turned suddenly and gripped Taylors shoulder, her eyes earnestly beseeching "is it you Taylor, do you have it?!

Taylor had never seen her prim always in control mother look so wild, so vulnerable. Taylor was terrified.

"Ho...how do you know about that..?" Samantha asked, darting confused glances between her parents.
"That's not important now Sam, we know one of you got a gift of blue flowers, who has it?" Their dad demanded a lot calmer than his wife who looked anything but. The look in his eyes demanded instant cooperation.

"Well, I've got it" Samantha announced with an air of quiet rebellion. Of all the reactions, Taylor hadn't expected her mother to crumble to the floor in a faint

Taylor and Samantha sat quietly on the seating room sofa opposite their father. Josh had arrived some minutes ago and it didn't take him long to sense the tension that ravaged the air of the Mc'leory home that night.
He sat on the crane chair behind their somber father trying to catch his sisters' eyes, a futile act as none was willing to let him in on the tense mystery unfolding.

Their mother was upstairs with a pack of ice on her forehead to slow the swollen bump from the fall and a forced sedative running through her veins. Their father was already cold with sweat from the effort to force the sleeping pills down her throat. Taylor didn't think she would ever forget; the way she screamed, cried, fought and even bit their father.

Quite simply, she would never forget the day her mother went raving mad. She kept on screaming "Dont let them take my baby, don't let them take my baby!!" over and over again while their father said nothing. And Samantha? She looked just as terrified as Taylor felt and only a few things scared Samantha.

"Its about time I told you a story....a family history that I and your mother hid from you for a very long time" Mr Mc'leory finally sliced through the tension.

"I beg you....all of you" turning to look at Josh then back at the twins "not to speak till am done. Its important you hear me out first"

"Now what am about to tell you might sound ridiculous and preposterous but I promise you its the truth. There is a legend that runs in my family. It is a story that has been passed to me by my father and to him by his father and so on.

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