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Robyn woke to the sound of boots echoing down the hallway. Knowing who it was, she tried to make it seem like she hadn't just woken up before he reached her doorway. She had stayed up reading with a flashlight and accidentally overslept. Her father knew better as she opened the door with a large grin and a messy ponytail. Trevor stood behind him holding a machine gun. Ever since coming to the sanctuary, he'd been acting as Robyn's bodyguard (and best friend of course). 

"Hi Daddy." She said holding back the yawn threatening to come out. 

"You gonna put on pants?" Negan asks with a blank expression as Robyn looks down noticing her fathers teeshirt is barely mid thigh. With a horrified look, she slammed the door and felt her cheeks burning as she finds a pair of jeans. When she's done she opens the door to a laughing Trevor and a tired Negan. 

"Get going, breakfast is almost over." After that Negan left the two teenagers alone, storming off to his room. 

"What has him so mad?" Robyn asks her friend grabbing an instant oatmeal packet and a fruit cup. 

"Apparently someone is trying to plan a revolution against him." Trevor said grabbing a secluded table at the back of the cafeteria. "He found plans on the floor, a community has someone on the inside." 

Robyn ate her oatmeal sliding the fruit cup over to Trevor. He had a small addiction to the miniature fruits and over sweetened juice, although he'd never admit it. "Okay, so who could it be?"

"Truthfully I don't know, but I had very clear instructions to make sure you didn't do anything stupid" Trevor stated making Robyn let out a large sigh. "so even if I did know I'm wouldn't tell you because I value my life." She laughed and rolled her eyes, finishing her oatmeal and throwing it into one of the trash bins that were beginning to overflow with garbage. 

"What life? We sit around doing nothing all day." Robyn shoots back. 

"Now that's not true, yesterday you yelled at Daniel for being an asshole and yelling at the kitchen lady for doing her job. " Trevor told her. 

"Yeah. I did," Robyn laughed holding the door to the roof open for her friend. "you sat there with your mouth wide open like a lost child, you know you're not going to impress Cindy at this rate." 

"Ouch, low blow Robb." Trevor said patting his heart. "That hurt right here."

The two sat on the roof their feet dangling over the edge examining the people of the sanctuary. Everything seemed normal, but Robyn's mind kept wandering back to the thought of a revolution. If someone was planning one, they had to figure it out soon. The saviors were assholes, but she didn't want to put everyone's lives at risk. 


Negan sat in his office, a glass of whiskey to his right and Lucille on his left. The sanctuary was a big place, with a large amount of people. Anyone could be planning a revolution against him. He wasn't a very liked man. He was a respected man, but not very likable. 

His main concern was finding out who it was before Robyn got hurt. Everyone knew how he was with her. He'd do anything to keep her safe and out of harms way. Any father would. A rumble was heard outside and he noticed the sky getting darker quickly. With a grumble he stood up and shut the window only briefly noticing a glint of light in the trees next to the sanctuary.


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