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Robyn let out a yelp almost dropping the jewelry box like it was a bomb. Her hand flew to her sides where her knife was before pointing it at the intruder. The look of confusion on her face was prominent to Trevor who was standing in the doorway. 

His hair was swept up and to the side and he was in dirty jeans and a leather jacket. There was a medium sized backpack signaling he'd been out of his community for a while.

"What are you doing here?" Robyn whispered breathlessly to the boy. 

"Chilling," Trevor said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "What are you doing here?"

"This is my house." Robyn said, her voice cracking before she turned around setting her mothers jewelry box on the dresser. 

"Robbie? Are you okay?" Negan asked appearing from behind Trevor. "Oh. You're here."

"This is your house?" Trevor jokes. "Where do the rest of the saviors sleep? In the dungeon?"

Negan lets out a hearty chuckle. "I like your attitude kid." 

Robyn shakes her head ignoring her father. "No, before the outbreak. " Negan holds up an empty photo album before pushing Trevor out of the way and handing the fairly large book to Robyn. "Thanks." 

"Why aren't you at your community kid?" Negan asks putting on his business face. "Getting goodies for lil ole me?" 

"No. I don't stay in Winterfell long enough for them to assign me to things; not that they'd notice I'm there." Trevor shrugs. "I kinda just drift, only going back for food. But I got a granola bar if you want it." Before Trevor can unzip the backpacks Negan holds up a hand stopping him from doing so. "Anyways, I enjoy getting out. It get's stuffy in the walls. They're not to keen on letting us 'youngns outside. It's too dangerous for ya.'" Trevor says imitating an old man. Robyn guesses that he's doing an impression of Winterfell's leader.

"So you just sneak out?" Robyn asks. It must be fun doing something rebellious. Negan gives his daughter a look, one that says 'don't get any ideas,' all over it. She ignored the look and placed her eyes back on Trevor. 

"I mean yeah." Trevor says with a shrug.

"Come back with us!" Robyn blurts. There weren't a lot of kids at the sanctuary, and half  of them didn't want to get to know because of their fear of her father, the other half wanted to befriend her because of her father.

"Woah there Robyn, don't you think your dad has some input? "Trevor asks looking over to the brooding man with the terrifying baseball bat. 

"Yes do tell when you were going to ask me dear daughter." Negan says in a monotone voice.

"Daddy, you know I need friends." Robyn says putting on her puppy eyes. If she needed to, she could probably pull off some crocodile tears. "Besides, he was my friend before he knew who you were, this is a pretty big deal." 

Negan contemplates it for a moment before looking at his daughter. She did have a point, it was a big deal. He then looked at Trevor who was looking between the pair. 

"You good with weapons?" 

"I'd like to think so sir."

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