The Beginning

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Motivation To Write

Before I start with How To Write So Readers Would Read (HTWSRWR), I wanted to share why I love writing and why you all should love writing too.

Initially, I wrote for myself. I wrote what I wanted to read. It was in 2014 that I started with my first book, just for fun. I wasn't aware of Wattpad back then. First source of motivation is: Writing for yourself.

Then I kinda' got hooked to writing. I wrote whenever I was bored, which brings me to the second source of motivation: Writing when you're bored.

There were times when I was extremely stressed. I had to get certain things out of my system. I wrote about my unfulfilled desires, I wrote about things that I didn't like. Because writing was something that had set me free. I wrote and still write about things that I cannot share with someone else. I've lived multiple lives through my characters and that is why I am so attached to them. Here is your third source of motivation: Writing to express yourself, to experience what you've never experienced before but through your characters.

Then my books began to be appreciated, I was over the moon. I loved reading comments by my readers. I loved the fact that my hobby made someone happy. What I was dying to write, someone was dying to read. The books shot up in ranking and views. I also realized that I as an author had the power to influence. Now, I wanted to write the content that could help change someone's life. This brings me to my favorite source of motivation: Writing for others, writing to influence others and writing because YOU CAN.

In 2018, I received many offers for publishing books on other platforms and getting paid for them. After spending about six months, contemplating whether I should accept them or not, I choose the former. I accepted one of the best offers, negotiated for what I thought, I deserved and published two of my books on Dreame and FicFun. Realization dawned upon me, I could write as well as earn. This brings me to a rather attractive source of motivation: Writing to earn, writing, in order to be acclaimed.

I've been there, done that. But, I also believe that everyone is different. What might be a source of motivation for me, may not sit well with you. So, tell me if there is anything that motivates you other than the motivators mentioned above, in the comments. I'd try to incorporate as many as possible, while editing. (Plus mention you for the same.)

"I just knew there were stories I wanted to tell." – Octavia E. Butler 

Looking For Inspirations

Thinking about writing a piece and the actual follow through are two different aspects of writing. Many of you might have thought of or would've written a few chapters and then dropped it. That's not lack of motivation, that's lack of inspiration. I don't want to make this boring so I'd directly jump to the things that can inspire you to write a particular story or finish a particular chapter or get an idea about what to write next.

1. Choosing a writing space: Find a place that would be perfect for writing. I can't tell you how to find that place but your heart would. You should feel at ease when you're there. It doesn't sound like a very feasible idea right now. In my house my favorite writing space is a chair just beside the living room window or my bed. But once in my life time, I want to go to Vancouver CA, perch up somewhere in the mountains and write. 

2. Reading Books: The best source of inspiration are books. Obviously, I do not mean plagiarism is what you should do but it often happens that while reading you come up with great ideas plus improve your language and writing skills.

3. Watching Movies, Shows, Comics and Kdramas: The visual media gives you a lot of exposure. There are times when we can't take inspirations from our surroundings and thus visual media seems useful. I, personally, don't like movies. But I love Dramas. You might not be a fan of Korean stuff but trust me once you start...there'll be no end. It'll be something like a Vampire Diaries addiction or Riverdale's obsession. Comment here if you want to start with k dramas and have nothing in mind, I'll suggest something according to your likes. I feel shows, comics and dramas give us a lot opportunities to study various characters that are similar to our own.

4. Observing Real Life: For a writer Active Observation is nothing less than a magic wand. Active observation is purposeful observation of the surroundings, trying to make connections between situation and trying to analyse individuals. Observation will help you in writing characters and settings. 


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