Joey shook his head, "Sorry, Dad. But, I am loyal to my girl."

Bella said, "I'm gonna go upstairs and get ready! Thanks, Daddy! Thanks, Grace!"

Joey said, "I'll go upstairs and take a nap, I guess. I'm probably gonna go on my iPad and read some serious news stories about what's going on in the world right now. It's important, you know?"

Harry nodded, "Of course."

Joey added, "Kylie Jenner's pregnant, did you hear?"

Harry cleared his throat, "Didn't hear about that one."

He said, "And I'm pretty sure there's this boy band that promised they would come back but now they keep saying they'll come back in 2020 or something. I can't remember their name."

"Oh," Harry nodded slowly. "That's a shame. It must have really upset all of their fans."

Joey agreed, "Totally. Oh, and I think that one of them's apparently dating this model that he didn't even know like a month ago."

Harry nodded and furrowed his eyebrows, "I wonder who that is."

"Anyways," Joey nodded, "I'll see ya!"

They both ran off. Harry nodded and stood up, walking into the kitchen. He threw the remains of his finished apple up and I followed him inside.

I brought the topic up, "You know, about your songs, Harry. I can talk to my Dad and I'm sure you can get recognized."

"I'm not ready for that." Harry replied, "And there's no way your father is going to let that happen for me. Not after what he knows about us."

I told him, "He loves you."

Harry laughed, "That's funny."

I said, "He can't stop talking about how much he loves you."

Harry said, "In this house, we are very honest."

"So maybe he isn't exactly too fond of you," I said. "I mean, he sort of did call you a pedophile, but I'm sure we can work past that. We just need to do this."

Harry's eyes widened, "He called me a pedophile? That idiot!"

I said, "We just have to talk to him, convince him that your songs are great, and if you've impressed him, he'll tell the company about you and you might even have a record deal."

Harry sighed, "You say it like it's going to happen. It's not going to happen, Grace. This is your father we are talking about, not any ordinary man. And plus, I don't even know if I'm ready. This is too quick. I can't sing, I really can't."

I said, "Of course you can sing? Don't you sing your kids to sleep every night?"

Harry nodded, "I do, but I doubt I have a good voice."

"I'm sure you have an amazing voice," I said. "Your talking voice just gives me a feeling that you're singing voice is great. In fact, why don't you sing to me?"

Harry shook his head, "It's not happening. I'm not confident in myself. I'm scared. I don't think I have what it takes."

"Harry, don't doubt yourself," I said. "You've got to be confident. You've got to be the best you can. Self confidence is what's going to get you places. I know it's not easy, but you definitely have what it takes. And, I just don't want you to lose this opportunity."

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