The Vicks are Back Bitch!

Start from the beginning

I unbuckled Harry and he fell on what is supposed to be where the door is, but it is smooshed up against the ground.

"Sorry!" I said and crawled over to Niall remembering his wound from the glass.

" Niall."

" Niall we have to get the hell out of here." I said several times before turning to Liam.

"He won't get up" I told Liam, scowling.

"Say something about chicken or golf, or derby ." Liam said, while trying to get Louis awake which he successfully did.

"Um....Niall we have some peri peri chicken from Nando's, that I guess we have to throw away if you don't eat it right now." I said, stupidly, like that's going to work! This is the most stupid and carroty idea ever.

"Where?" Niall said leaving his eyes closed and then groaning in pain.

"Sorry there Is no chicken for now.... You gotta get up we have to get out of here." I said quickly.

"Where are we?" He asked opening his eyes and realizing we were in a crash. He looked around and saw the other boys already climbing out of the sun roof.

"Why did you wreck us? " He asked me, confusion laced in his tone.

"I'll explain later ... We have to go , c'mon ." I said pulling on his Arm. He followed along wordlessly, but the groaned in pain.

" My stomach hurts." Niall said, clutching his stomach and then wincing.

"I'll help you later." I replied pushing him out of the limo.

Once I got myself out of the car I remembered the stupid ass outfit I was wearing.
The silver short dress was a little torn and the heels were both sadly and happily fine.

The boys suits got ripped and they were no longer wearing the jackets just the button downs that are ripped and torn .

"Liam where are we going?" I asked. Right now is one of the rare moments I have no idea what to do , I'm so happy I have my brother.

"We are going to the escape." He said smiling.

My eyes went wide. The escape is a secret cabin In the woods in our hometown. It was built by our father for Liam and I to be use as a secret get away. Only to be used in extreme emergencies.

"The escape?" I asked to make sure I heard him correctly.

"Yes ." Liam said in a tone that implied I was stupid .

" Dad said not to use it ever unless it's a extreme emergency - Liam." I reminded him, feeling like a kid tattling on someone.

" You don't think this is an extreme emergency Leanna? He knows who we are and what we look like.This is a extreme emergency. We are stupid enough and got my friends involved. We should've ran on the first day." Liam told me, slightly freaking out himself.

" I don't want to have to hide again Liam." I said remembering the last time we did we ended up in Alaska

"It's not like we are going to Alaska again." Liam taunted

"We are going home." Liam reminded me, glancing around the area.

"No one- I want to see is at that place. It reminds me too much of our best friend that was killed because of me." I confessed, swatting at a bug.

"We aren't going to be in the town."

"We need to start moving." I said " C'mon boys, and be very quiet." I walked to Liam and hugged him even though it hurt , I knew we had to go now if we wanted to make it there by tomorrow.

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