Louis knew that Harry had to feel very alone right now, but that couldn't last. He couldn't let it last. Scrolling through the website, he found a young cat, aged two, named Odin. Odin had four other cats in his room that also had FIV, and Louis knew that's what would help. "Haz... do you want to go adopt some cats?" Louis asked cautiously once Harry had calmed down a little. 

Harry peeked out of his mum's arms, and his dim eyes lit up just the slightest bit. "C-Cats?" He asked, petting the now-asleep Jim. 

"I want to take you to adopt some kitties. Would you like that?" Harry came out of his shell just a little more, and nodded hesitantly. "They're a little bit sick, but they need homes..." Louis explained cautiously, causing Harry to retreat again.

"Sick?" Harry asked, sniffling loudly before rubbing at his red eyes. 

"They... have this illness that's a bit like AIDS, and I just kinda..." Jay started to glare daggers at Louis when Harry started to sob again. "I- I'm so sorry Harry..." Louis said, before running off to his room, listening to Anne start to hush Harry again. 


Trial day had come, and at six A.M no one could find Harry. Everyone was supposed to be in the courthouse at 11 A.M, so it wasn't terribly frantic, but still. Well, most everyone wasn't terribly frantic, except for Louis. He was pacing the entire house, searching every nook and cranny to find his sickly boyfriend. 

Harry sat quiet, tears on his face, on the bench outside of the animal shelter. "Hello sir, can I help you?" A kind woman asked, taking a seat next to him. 

"I-I... I um... I just got d-diagnosed with AIDs... I want to meet your FIV cats. Please?" He asked, voice small and timid.

"It is before opening hours, but we have a clean room we can put them in. I usually don't do this, but I'm going to make an exception for you, you seem like a nice kid. I'm Lizzie by the way." Harry smiled shyly, and extended his hand.

"Harry." He said, shaking her hand weakly. He couldn't help it, it was all he could muster after wheeling himself there in the morning. His chair sat next to him with a blanket draped over it, as it had been quite chilly that morning. 

"Well Harry, give me ten minutes, then I'll come get ye. Deal?" Harry nodded, and slid himself back into his chair while Lizzie rushed inside. 

Ten minutes later, Harry wheeled himself into the room very carefully, and smiled. Lizzie came in and closed the door after her. "This is Odin, he's the love of them all. Of course Tigger likes people, but just a very small selection. Snowflake tends to be quite finicky, but if Tigger likes you, she will too. Kiri is your best friend if you give him catnip, and um... well. Oregano is our special girl. But let's just see how you do, okay? I'll be back in a little while." 

Harry immediately had Odin on his lap, nuzzled up. "Hello... You all are sick. I am too. I have this really awful thing called AIDs... My stepdad gave it to me. He's a nasty man. He did really mean- let me finish, you'll get your turn Regs. He did really mean stuff to me. He hit me, like... like everywhere. And I hate him. It's okay to hate people, you know that, don't ye Tigs? Yeah... Good, that's fine, ye don't need to hiss at me, I'll keep to my own space. It's kind of a lot of space, I've got this dumb chair. I know! Hiss chair! Boo chair! We hate the chair, don't we Kiri? We want to get out of this dumbass chair. Well, I guess you don't want to Odin, but that's okay. I've been stuck in it for like... a month. It sucks buddy, trust me, you learn to hate it. Meow? Okay Snowy, tell me about meow." Harry smiled, welcoming a second cat into his chair. Snowflake curled up next to Odin, and starting kneading into Harry's side. 

"How about it? You'll come home with me, won't ye? You can get along with the other cats, you can love them. Or just love each other, it's alright. Love is love, it's alright, don't force it." Harry giggled lightly as Oregano started to run circles around the chair. A knock came to the door, and Harry muttered a quiet "come in", not wanting to talk to anyone other than the cats right now. 

"Someone told me they lost a 16-year old in a wheelchair. I think this belongs to you?" Lizzie asked, allowing Louis to step in. He waved shyly, as Lizzie stepped out. 

"Like them?" Louis asked, voice a little bit shaky. The meltdown the days prior hadn't been too good for their relationship. 

"Mine." Harry declared, letting Tigger crawl onto his shoulder. 

"Yours if you want them." Louis said, getting ready to go out and start the adoption process. Harry shook his head, and grabbed Louis' sweater. He pulled out a large sack from the back of his chair, and handed it to Louis. 

"Mine."  Harry corrected, allowing Louis to open up the sack. In it was all the money Harry had hoarded over the years, crumpled up notes, a couple pence here and there, but mainly pounds. 

"Sweetheart, you don't have to pay for them. I'm willing to-" Harry teared up again, and cradled Kiri in his arms, who had joined the large cuddle puddle in the wheelchair.

"They're my kitties. That money was supposed to one day save me and mum from Derek. I want it gone. I'll pay for them, I'll sign the papers, I'll buy them blankets and their first set of food, litter, and toys. P-Please just let them be mine. Too tired to fight Lou..." Harry said, pushing the sack back towards Louis. Louis paused for a moment, trying to understand what Harry was saying. He didn't understand saving money away, everything was always handed to him growing up. 

"They're your kitties. I'll bring back the papers for you to sign." Louis caved, taking the pouch out to the main lobby. Two hours and five boxes later, Louis was driving Harry and his kitties back to the Tomlinson-Deakin household. 

Harry was ready for trial, but only after spending a long time talking to his kitties. They had to be confined to a room for the time, so they could learn where a litter box was, but that didn't bother Harry. He just was happy to be with someone who understood him. No one else understood. No one could comprehend living with a terrible disease that just made you weak. 

After seeing how Oregano handled her troubles (rolling and running), Harry decided he wanted to be carefree too. It would just take some time. 

Abused (L.S) (Punk!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now