Dating Hermione Granger Would Include...

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- Supporting S.P.E.W with her

- Her being the most supportive girlfriend ever

- Constant hand holding

- Helping her handle obliviating her parents' memories

- Both of you constantly bragging about the other one because you're both just so damn proud to have each other

- Her giving you quick pecks before class

-You pulling her back in for a proper kiss for both of your satisfaction

- Her helping you study, and you attempting to help her study anything that she possibly needed help with

- You comforting her when she wakes up with nightmares about Bellatrix torturing her

- You being the big spoon when you cuddle with her

- Which is all the time

- You always flirting with Hermione, that was how you charmed her to begin with and you still manage to find new ways to charm her each and every day

- Her parents absolutely adoring you

- Ron and Harry are super supportive of your relationship and always defend the two of you

- You sometimes being the only person who can cause her to crack a smile

- Her always being there for you, no matter what

- Fighting, sometimes only so you can make up

- Crookshanks would absolutely love you

- Forehead kisses 

- Basically being the cutest couple to ever exist

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