Dark Woods Circus

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Shuichi furrowed his brows. He didn't understand what was so funny. Their jokes weren't even that good to him. So why was the crowd laughing at his friends?

"Next up, we have our very own deformed diva!"

Out came a girl with long blue hair and a teal dress. The crowd again were laughing at her. The child squinted his eyes only to gasp at the horrific sight. Her legs weren't human. They were goat legs. Shuichi had to pull away to calm his stomach before looking back in.

The so called diva tried to sing, but she wasn't the best he heard. The crowd were crackling at the noise, some were even throwing beer cans at her. "Why isn't anyone helping her?" He asked himself.

"Wow, she needs a few voice lessons, huh? Lastly we have the terrifying purple beast that loves to eat things cold!"

A male that was in a straight jacket was rolled out. He was forced into a chair as they placed down a plate. Shuichi's eyes widened at the sight- a human arm? There's no way he-

The male leaned forward and started to bite into the taut skin, tearing it apart. He seemed to be enjoying it, like this was the only food he could enjoy.

Shuichi felt his stomach curl as he quickly left to go find a place to throw up. He somehow made his way back into where the cages were and doubled over, throwing up whatever dinner he had.

That's when he heard her voice.

"Does anyone wish that I were alive, even though I am so undesirable in this body?" She asked quietly, tears running down get scarred face.

"U-Um, excuse me?" Shuichi gasped at the sight of her, stumbling back. His eyes glanced over to the nameplate. 'Tsumugi Shirogane'.

"Why do you look at me like that? This face that is rotting... It's painful, it's painful-"

"And it can't be helped," Rantaro finished up for her, frowning softly. "Shuichi, you shouldn't have came here. Please, leave now."

Before the child could say a word, Kaede butt in with a wide smile. "It's fun! So fun! This circus is so fun! Come now, Shuichi, don't you want to join?"

Shuichi stood up and shook his head quickly, running away from the three circus performers. As he was running, he heard an unnerving laugh.

"Nishishi... I haven't seen you before... you look so tasty... can you let me free? We can be friends. I won't bite hard. I'll end your life quickly if you do. Nishishi! Come on, please?"

The child teared up fearfully as he looked at the nameplate. 'Kokichi Ouma'. He hoped to never see that name again. "I-I'm sorry, b-but-"

"I lied. I am a liar, after all. I'll make sure to drag your life out as I tear you from limb to limb. Hey~ why are you running?"

He stumbled into another tent, this one looked much dirtier. Shuichi covered his mouth as he saw a table in the middle, dried up blood on every surface of the metal table. His stomach churned as he looked up to see a girl with blonde hair, her body was swinging slowly. He knew she was dead- "M-Mommy! Daddy! I-I wanna go home!" He cried out, curling into a ball.

A comforting hand touched his shoulder. Shuichi slowly looked up to see the familiar face of Rantaro. "Shuichi, come with me. Kaede and I are sorry."

He got up and nodded slowly as he took his hand. He didn't want to look at the smiling female.

As the passed Tsumugi's cage, she lunged forward and held her arm out. Her voice was so desperate.

"I want to die. I want to die! Get me out of here, please. It is impossible for anyone to say and feel-" She froze up as Rantaro and Kaede both jumped back in fear.

Shuichi looked around, confused before hands were placed over his eyes. He let out a scream as the ringmaster laughed.

The body is distorted in order to bend to that twisted figure.
To crawl on the illuminated street with paper lanterns.
Everyone knows the feeling of walking down the street.
This child has to cower alone, I guess the shadows reach long, but the friends that talk have their waists aligned.
You are later and before and by yourself.

Oh, you're here, you're here!

Drop by and see him.

Drop by and see him.

Drop by, to the Dark Woods.

A carriage rides by through the bustling crowd as a child is seen weaving through the people. He's carrying flyers and handing them out to people. He slowly stops as he looks up at you with a small smile. His pale yellow eyes seem to be screaming for help, but you paid them no attention. You did notice the scarring on the entirety of his left side of his face. Shuichi held up a flyer, to which you take it with a smile.

As he walks away, you could hear two words from his mouth.

"It's fun."

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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