Chapter 1: A new beginning

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I ran.  That's all I could do.  Run.  I ran through my town.  I ran down arrow street.  Past cauldron lane and into the desert.  I pulled some redstone out of my inventory and connected it to my Iron sword.  I pulled out my plasma core and connected it to the redstone.  My creation sparked and blew up.  Darn.  I threw the scraps in the ground and looked for Jack's house.  I kept on running.  Then in the distance, I saw an explosion.  

A chunk of sandstone flew towards me.  I ducked.  It just missed.  I slowed down.  I... I c... ca... I can't run anymore.  I sit down.  I see a pig walk by.  I pulled out my TNT and placed a button on it.  I slowly press the button and toss it at the pig.  I build a cobblestone wall in front of my before it blows.  I hear an explosion and peek around the wall.  

As I expected, I saw a crater  with a lone cooked porkchop surrounded by fire.  I Parkoured around the fire and picked up the porkchop and ate it.  I felt guilty, but also relived of my hunger.  I pulled out my stone pick and knocked down the stone wall.  I pulled out some wood, built a tiny hut and reinforced it with cobble stone.  Oh.  I haven't properly introduced myself.  I'm Tyrone.  And i'm going to sleep because the sun is setting.

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