Chapter 2

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I stared up at my...soulmate. He had three bags in his hands.

"Need help?" I said getting up and taking one of his bag. Almost falling over at the weight. I set it on his bed. And he began to unpack. I sat down on my bed awkwardly. 

Was it supposed to be this awkward? He barely glanced at me. After he finished putting away his stuff he sat on his bed, right across from me.

"This is awkward." he stated. I let out a big breath.

"I thought I was the only one who noticed." I said. I saw him smile a bit. He then moved to the side and patted the area next to him. I get up and sit down next to him. I turn and look up at him. Of course he's taller than me. 

 He look down at me. It seemed we both didn't know what to do, or say. Right now we were just looking at each other.

"So..." I said looking away from Kageyama, "Should we just try to get to know each other?" I asked quietly. 

"Well my name is Kageyama Tobio, I'm 18, I like milk and meat buns, volleyball-"

"VOLLEYBALL?!" I yell excitedly. He nods slowly, "I love volleyball!" I said smiling. He looked at me.

"What are you good at?" he asked me.

"I may not look like it but I'm good a spiking." I tell him.

"Well that's good, I'm good at tossing." He told me. 

"Well, I'm Hinata Shouyou, as you could tell I like volleyball, meat buns also and..." I sat thinking. I then just shrugged.

"I guess I'll just have to find out." he said looking at me. I looked up at him. I loved his gray eyes. Soon though I saw him lean in slowly. I closed my eyes. Soon I felt his lips on mine. I sink into the kiss. His hand moved to the back of my neck and pulled me closer. It felt so good to kiss him. 

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. We just kept slowly kissing until Kageyama pulled away. A slight blush on his checks. I bet my face was red though. We just sat there. His hand still on the back of my neck. He soon moved his hand, the spot on my neck going cold.

I move my hands from his shoulder.

He looked down at me. Once again we didn't know what to do. 

"Wanna go get lunch?" he asked. I nodded smiling. With that we stood up and left the dorms.

Hopefully this lunch will get us closer to each other. We began walking around. Soon we landed on a small restaurant. When we entered we saw other college students there. We then just sat at a table by the wall. 

A waitress came over and we both ordered sandwiches. We sat in silence until we got our food. Soon though Kageyama started talking.

"So what are you trying to major in?" he asked me.

"Business, and maybe a minor in art." I said plainly.

"Cool, I'm in for Business also. We'll probably have classes together." he said and I smiled. Having classes with your soulmate is good right?

After a bit we began to head back. Halfway there I smiled.

"What?" Kageyama asked.

"Race yah." then I ran. Almost immediately Kageyama started running also. We were soon running side by side. Occasionally one of us will get ahead but the other catches up usually.

He's competitive. I like it. But that didn't mean I was going to lose. We soon were running up the stairs to our dorm. We both went through the door.

"Who won?" I asked. Kagayama pointed to himself.

"No way!" I yelled.

"Like you could've won!" He yelled. I shut the door. The dorms were sound proof.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I yelled. 

"Well I won!" he yelled. 

"No!" I yelled. Then Kageyama snickered.

"What?" I asked annoyed. 

"This is the longest we've talked." he laughed. I snickered. He then walked over to me and leaned down giving my cheek a small kiss. I blushed and he pulled away smiling slightly.

I grabbed his head when he tried to move away. I pulled him down and kissed him. His arms wrapped around my lower back as we kissed. I love kissing him.

We pulled away and then just stared at each other's eyes.

Arguing (KAGEHINA SOULMATE AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant