Everybody's moving so why am I here?

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Staring into the depths of the river that alternated between shades of black and blue under the faint dramatic moonlight, Yoongi hesitated for a full minute, the silent water beneath him almost inviting him at this rate.

A minute is composed of sixty seconds and 3600 milliseconds. A minute is not so long in everyday life when you're late to work because you didn't get much sleep last night (thanks to your boyfriend) or when you're having a good time at a park, bickering with your mother or friends or fiancé (hey, who am I to judge), but a minute is actually a very long time. Especially for someone who is about to end their life by jumping into a fifty feet deep river at 3 am on a Wednesday night.

He had always considered weekends when he thought of suicide. For some strange reason, the word Saturday clicked more with the word suicide than any other day. Besides, Yoongi was a busy person. He barely had time to eat and sleep, it would be hard to find time on a weekday.

So, the weekend was perfect. It was more than perfect.

Somehow, that weekend never really came. Maybe he was a coward. Well, he definitely was a coward. He couldn't say much about how he felt, he couldn't express his love to the people who meant to him more than anything else and well he...he was just Min Yoongi. A sad 24 year old in a cruel world who lost love at 20 and never hoped to find it again, who was rich but his money never really gave him a sense of well being or pleasure. So he exerted more, earned more, until his bank accounts were overflowing and he didn't know where to put all the money he had made, working day and night in a faint hope that maybe one day, that degraded green piece of paper will succeed in making him happy.

That plan didn't really work out that well.

Just when he thought he had gathered enough courage to jump off the rails on the cold Wednesday night and the grip of his hands loosened a bit, a certain kind of pressure on his arm told him otherwise. Involuntarily, he looked backwards.

A tall handsome man sporting round harry potter like spectacles, clad in a woolen (and from what it looked like, very cozy) sweater and blue denims was holding onto his arm, like a child coaxing his parents for more icecream.

"What?", he snarled. He was going to die, he didn't have to be nice anymore.

"Um, what are you doing?", the guy asked, puzzled but his hold on Yoongi's arm still firm.

"I'm going swimming. Now if you let go-"

The man raised his eyebrows.

"It's not a very nice time to swim."

"I would love to waste my time talking to you but I'm actually kinda busy right now-"

"Should I push you?"

Yoongi backed up a little. That was certainly not the kind of reply he was expecting. He was expecting the usual "Oh but why do you want to die, you are so young..." bullshit and yet here was this guy, standing tall, having the audacity to ask him if he wanted him to push...

"Not really."

His voice was quiet now. The irritable tinge to it was gone.

"Not ready yet?", the man asked, pushing his frames a little further up his nose.


Before Yoongi could finish his sentence, he felt a forceful push to his back, his feet caught off the balance on the little footpath and before he knew what was happening, he was dangling in the air with one hand clutching onto the sweater of a handsome, tall man.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?", he shouted, adrenaline in full swing in his body, his nerves tingling like little activated bombs.

"Helping you.", the man replied, unfazed by Yoongi's hold on his sweater.

His hand was beginning to slip.

Well, that was what he wanted, right?

It was for the best after all.

And without a second's delay, Min Yoongi let go of the white and black striped sweater (funny how he noticed the details while letting go) and closed his eyes for the cold embrace of the water and then, death and counted in his head.

1 2 3 4 5...

He frowned. He wasn't that far up, why wasn't he falling into the water yet?

Opening his eyes, he realized he was actually being pulled up instead of falling down. Surprised, he didn't retaliate and let the man pull him up by both his arms (man, was he strong) while he himself was half drawn in the air, over the railings.

When he set Yoongi's feet on the footpath, without letting go, he snaked an arm around his waist and attempted to lift him off the railings and onto the road without any hesitation.

"What is wrong with you", Yoongi grumbled, stumbling onto the ground, his legs wobbly and incompliant.

"I could be asking you the same thing. But instead I'll ask your name", he replied, a little smile appearing on his face, reaching onto his eyes.

Yoongi blinked. Now that he noticed, he was actually really handsome. Tall, dark haired, well built. He may have even felt attracted to him, that is, if he had any place in his heart to like someone. But he was a monster. And monsters didn't like humans, not one bit.

"Min Yoongi."

He didn't know why he had replied.

"Kim Seokjin, nice to...meet you. If fated, we shall meet again, Yoongi shhi. Goodbye for now."

And with that, the stranger continued walking down the road until he disappeared at the nearest cross turn.

Min Yoongi ran a dirty hand through his blondish brown hair as another cold wave of wind hit him full swing in his face. He half expected to wake up any second from this strange dream.

What the hell just happened?


PS: I don't own the video, credits to cutetaeboy on youtube.

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I'm so bad at notes ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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