The signs at a birthday party🎉

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Aries: Buys a giftcard as their present🎁

Taurus: "where's the cake?"🎂

Gemini: shows up 2 hours late⏱

Cancer: "happy birthday I acTUALLY LOVE YOU SO MUCH"😍

Leo: watches nervously as the birthday guy/girl opens their present from them👀

Virgo: smiles while secretly wishing it was their birthday🙂🔪

Libra: makes sure that the birthday guy/girl gets the first slice of cake🍰

Scorpio: blows out the candles and laughs when everyone yells at them🕯

Sagittarius: "Let's play Truth or Dare!"😈

Capricorn: "guys pay attention to me not the birthday guy/girl"💎

Aquarius: pops all the balloons and hides🎈

Pisces: sings the "cha cha cha" during happy birthday🎶

Αφιερωμένο στη Σοφία που έχει γενέθλια σήμερα ΧΟΥ ΠΟΥ ΜΑΡΗΗ🎉🎉🎂 fofiko13

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