The signs during a tornado🌪

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Aries: taking vertical video of the tornado📽

Taurus: hiding in the basement🙏

Gemini: chasing the tornado👣

Cancer: saving all the people and hoarding their pets into the basement🐶

Leo: the weather guy freaking out on tv📺

Virgo: driving around the neighbourhood warning everyone📣

Libra: doesn't realize there's a tornado but survives anyways🙌

Scorpio: the one person who doesn't make it to the basement in time💀

Sagittarius: the person who gets in the car and doesn't stop driving away from the tornado until they've reached Russia🚗

Capricorn: the person who miraculously survives by hiding in a freezer at a gas station🕵

Aquarius: is the tornado🌪

Pisces: the person who gets sucked up by the tornado😣

Τρέξτε να σωθείτε από εμάς μουχαχα😈 Whosap28 KellyWaffle

Δεν ξέρω γιατί αλλά γέλασα αρκετά όταν το έγραφα αυτό, μου άρεσαν οι αντιδράσεις του κάθε ζωδίου😂


Ποιο φαγητό σιχαίνεστε;😝 Εγώ τα βραστά λαχανικά, δεν ξέρω δεν τα μπορώ καθόλου😖

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