Chapter Twenty Five - "Laura Palmer"

Comincia dall'inizio

                “So I just...”  Henry trailed off, and motioned what I just did.  Sighing, I nodded to confirm what he had to do.

                “Only a bit.”  I told him before carrying on with the deal.  “By drawing your blood, you agree to keep whatever you see in the next twenty four hours to yourself.  You are sworn not to tell anyone and accept the punishment if you do.”  I stated out loud before saying the familiar Latin words for the second time in my life.  “Sanguine sanguine multo te obligo.  Si multum solvit, sanguinem tuum et tu siccaprofundo inferni succumbere.  Sanguinem sanguine, animam pro anima, si quando faciatte ligaveris fractis acquiescere consequat.

                I chanted that several more times as the dagger was slowly passed round, until it came back to me.  I then used my other palm, the uncut one, and made another cut to go over the blood they'd all dripped into the bowl.  Then I grabbed the zippo lighter and threw it into the bowl, watching as there was a small explosion of black light.

                Hearing thunder outside, I knew the deal was done.  The contract had been sent and now they owed their lives to me.  Well, if they told anyone what had happened.

                “All right boys.  Let's roll.”

                                                                    ~ ~ ~

                What I expected was an abandoned warehouse.  What I didn't expect was a hospital.  A very large, clean looking (and unnerving) hospital.  It didn't make much sense but at the same time it made complete sense.  The one thing I wanted to really know, was why pick this place.  Why pick the fringe of a city?  Why not the outskirts?

                “So how do we do this?”  Harmony asked.  We were stood outside the hospital (because having four cars meant that we wouldn't be inconspicuous) thinking of a plan.  If it was a warehouse, or somewhere in the countryside we could have stormed in.  Now our plans were halted.

                “There are civilians going in.”  Emily noted after a few minutes of just staring at the hospital.  I looked to her.  She had been silent the whole time, especially after I went to tell them it was alright to go back in after the blood deal.  Now, she had a calculating look on her face.  I was sure she was smarter than she let on.  Which gave me an idea.


                “So, I guess we could use that as an advantage.”  She shrugged.

                “We can disguise ourselves.”  Bernadette voiced her thoughts, to no-one in particular.  “They've seen us all, but Shax won't be on ground floor.  He'll be in the basement, or on the highest floor.  It stops people from recognising him.  Too many people see him around, he can't be anonymous.  Also, he'll know where to be found.”

                “Right...”  I said, trying to make her get to the main point.  We didn't have the time to dilly-dally.  Lives were on the line here and there was one life I didn't want to be saved.

                “So nobody will know who we are.”  She shrugged and I resisted the urge to slam my face into my palm.  She wasn't really contributing anything worthwhile.

                “Alright.”  I said, and found myself thinking of an idea.  “Henry, you need to get to the security room.  You can then tell us if anyone's coming in our directions.”  He nodded, understanding what I meant.  "It's an important job.  Don't fuck it up."

                “I'll get the earpieces out of the car then.”  He said before walking off.  Luckily, the cars had been parked a few minutes away.

                “Marcus, Bernadette, Harmony and Caroline, you act as injured humans.  Use Marcus' blood somewhere.  I'm sure you can manage making a cut look real.”  They looked as if they were about to argue before they were silenced by my expression.  I wasn't going to deal with their shit now.  We were too close to saving Immi to fail now.  "You need to distract them."

                “What about us?”  Emily asked, her voice quiet.  She seemed to be frightened and I didn't blame her.  Apparently this was her first time coming to Earth.  It couldn't have been pleasant.  It was completely different to the books they'd read.

                “We're going in undercover.”  I told her, relishing in the thought of what Ipos was going to be recieving.  I wasn't going to go soft on him-he'd made someone with an iron fist punch me.

                Once we were in, there was no getting out.  It was get Immi out, or die trying.


Woo!  Officially, off hold!

I haven't been able to write because I had a) writer's block and b) exams.  I still have seven left to do, one which is English literature (not looking forward to that) and I really really need a B in it so yeah.  And then I've two retakes to revise for, Chemistry (oh lordy that ain't gonna be fun), Maths (even worse), Geography and History!!  So yeah, NOT FUN AT ALL!

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and next will be in the building ;)

ALSO, LISTEN TO BASILLE!  I've honestly fallen in love with his song Laura Palmer! ;D

Also, opinions on this cover ----> (on the side)

Fallen From Grace | ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora