'Jack, hey. What's with the no shirt thing?'

'I forgot to put one on.'

'Right, ok. Come in.'

I went in and Shawn sat cross legged on his bed. I did the same but on Taylor's bed.

'So why are you here Jack.'

'I need advice.'

'Go on.'

'Well I did what you said, you know about pulling away, and well. I realised that when I touch him I feel this surge of electricity rush through me and it's an amazing feeling.'


'So what do I do?'

'Well, you don't do anything at the minute. As far as we all know, Jack is straight.'

'Oh come on, Nash and Cameron are "straight" but we've seen how they are with each other. They're worse than Jack and I.'

'I agree, but that's just the nature of their friendship. If they have feelings for each other then I'm sure we will find out later in time. But they haven't got a fifteen year friendship behind them like you and Jack. I'm certain you just have a crush on Jack, you'll get over it soon, I promise.'

'Shawn it's been only a crush for five years.'

'You've met Amanda now though.'

'Yeah...' I blushed when he said her name.

'See, you blushed when I said her name, you do nothing when I say Jack.'

'That May have something to do with the fact I'm called Jack.'

'Oh yeah. Haha.'

'Have you ever thought you were gay Shawn.'

'At times, when I first met Taylor I thought I fancied him, I probably do, but I'm scared to admit it to myself. I mean, there's nothing wrong with being bisexual or gay, I just don't know if I could think of myself being that way.'

'Yeah, so Taylor?'

'If I was gay for any of you guys, it'd be Taylor hands down.'

'Glad to hear it.'

'Anything else you want to talk about?'

'Errm, no. Not unless you have any pasta, I really fancy some pasta.'

'No sorry, I don't carry pasta around with me.'

'Oh, you're alright then mate. I'll err, see you in the morning.'

I left Shawn and Taylor's room shutting the door behind me. I walked quietly back into my room, careful as to not wake Jack. He looked so perfect when he was sleeping. I started thinking of some song lyrics as I looked at him. I quickly got my phone off the table beside my bed and made notes of the lines I was singing to myself.

If you saw what I saw baby

You'd never see yourself the same

You look at one with the world

But I'm still battling myself

Myself, myself, woah

I put my phone back on the table and grabbed the first t shirt I could find and curled up in my bed, watching Jack's chest rise and fall as he slept peacefully in the bed next to mine. Oh how I wish he was mine.

Shawn's POV

When I talk to Jack about his feelings it always brings to light how I feel. I trust Jack with my life I really do, and I do see why he likes Jack Johnson, he's cute, he looks young, he's funny and he can rap. Can't beat a guy who can rap, unless it's me singing. I was getting ready to go to bed when Taylor text me.

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