I honestly have no idea what is wrong. Carter never cries, she hardly ever even shows a negative emotion. So finding her like this really terrifies me.

*Carter's POV*

I dance around Danielle and I's bedroom as I clean up and make our bed. I hang up Danielle's laundry in our closet. I iron her tour shirts and hang then up separately from everything else. Each one of those shirts costs more than my life. Alana has already came in this morning to steal from our closet. I guess she's going out with some friends.

I'm pretty positive Este is still asleep, I checked on her when I threw her laundry into her disastrous room.

I'm folding Danielle's favorite pair of Levi's as my phone starts to ring. It's an unknown number from my hometown. I stare at it and debate on whether or not to answer. I quickly answer before the call ends.


"Carter?" The man on the other side asks.

"Yeah that's me."

"Oh my gosh. I've been searching for a way to get a hold of you for months." He says relieved, the voice is kinda familiar but I don't quite know who it is.

"Who is this?"

"Jake. Your older brother." He answers and I almost drop my phone. I stay silent debating on whether or not to hang up. I have three brothers, Tristan, Kaden, and Jake. All three are older than me. Jake is only a year older than me, we were always the closest. "Hey, I know this is a huge shock, and I don't expect you to take it lightly."

"It's a shock, I'll tell you that." I answer. "After all these years, why the fuck are you reaching out to me now?"

"I have a lot to say to you Carter. And even more apologizing."

"Yeah I can guess why." I say rudely. These people dropped me and let me live on the streets.

"I would like to say it all in person. I'm getting married this coming Saturday, I've tried and tried to get ahold of you earlier, trust me. Anyway, I'm inviting you and whoever you may be with right now, or just you if that's the case. This is the most important thing to me. This is my day and I want my sister there."

"Jake, I -" I'm at a loss for words. My heart wants to go so badly, but my mind knows I'll only get hurt again.

"I know, I know. You probably live in another state or something by now and you don't have the money. I get it."

"I'm in another state, yes. But I have more than enough money to get there and back."

"Where are you?" He asks.

"Los Angeles." I answer.

"Please, if you have the time can you fill me in briefly?" He asks, I can tell he's getting emotional. I'm doing all I can not to burst into tears.

"I have all the time. I've been living in Los Angeles for a couple years now. I'm currently a talent manager for a band called HAIM, have you heard of them?" I ask.

"I haven't." He answers.

"I'm engaged to the lead singer and lead guitarist of HAIM."

"Oh wow! Is he cool?"

"SHE is absolutely amazing. The band is her and her two sisters, they are my life. I love them all so much. They're my family." I explain as I let silent tears fall.

"That's amazing Carter. My fiancé and I have been dating for a over a year now. How long have you been with this girl?" He asks.

"Almost three years."

"Wow! How long have you two been engaged?"

"A week."

"Oh congratulations!"

"Thanks. Where is the wedding at?" I ask. He gives me all the details of the event, including everyone who will be there. Meaning if I go I'll be running into my parents, siblings, and everyone else who abandoned me. "You know if I come it will be a big deal. I don't think it will go over well."

"I know. But it's my wedding and I want you there. Carter I've been searching for you for years, but you've made it nearly impossible."

"I've tried, how'd you even get my cellphone number."

"I contacted one of your high school friends you still keep in touch with." He goes on begging me to come.

"Jake. It's going to take more thinking for me. I don't know if I want to face everyone who kicked me to the streets, including you." I say playing with the fabric of Danielle's jeans to keep me calm.

"I understand, please please please call me back if you decide to come. And please, bring your fiancé if you do come. I'd love to meet her."

"I'll discuss it with her." I say and he goes on to apologize before I shut him down, telling him I'll call back if I can go to the wedding. And now I'm extremely torn.

I sit on the floor and allow myself to breakdown.

*Danielle's POV*

"Carter, can you please tell me what's wrong?" I ask after a couple minutes. She calms herself down and looks up at me, her eyes red and puffy, making her blue eyes look almost green.

"My brother called." She finally says. It comes to a shock to me, because I pretty much forgot she even has siblings. She has mentioned her brothers maybe twice since I've known her.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"My brother Jake, he called to invite me to his wedding on Saturday."

"Do you still keep in contact with him? How'd he get your number?" I ask. She goes on to explain the whole thing. "Did you want to go to the wedding?"

She nods her head, "I miss him."

"How long has it been since you've seen him?" I ask.

"When I was eighteen, so like seven or eight years. He was the one who fought for me, until my parents threatened to kick him to the streets too. I mean, I don't blame him."

"And you're willing to face your entire family?"

"Yeah, I'm ready. It's been eight fucking years. If it goes horribly, fine, I haven't lost anything. I have you and your sisters. That's what matters to me."

"Good, I love you Carter. I'll be by your side through it all, I promise." I hug her tightly.

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