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*Carter's POV*

I wake up to someone waving there hand in front of my face and a muffled giggle. I open my eyes and look at the kid next to me. "we are landing." He says.

"Thanks." I say and rub my neck. These seats are quite uncomfortable, especially when you have a six hour flight.

I shove all my stuff into my back pack and stand up quickly slamming my head on the low ceiling creating a loud bang. "Ah fuck." I mumble and grab my now throbbing head.

"Ouch." an old guy says sarcastically and laughs as he walks past me. I roll my eyes and whisper, "asshole."

I walk slowly through the airport trying to text Danielle as I walk. Some asshole cuts in front of me in a hurry causing me to run into him and drop my phone. He picks my phone up from the ground and hands it to me with a wink. "I'm sorry miss, but it must be a sign that you are meant to have my number in your phone."

"Save it. I'm interested in someone at the moment, plus I'm a lesbian." I push past him and walk away without looking back. I'm having a terrible day and I'm almost at my breaking point.

I finally reach the luggage claim area. Before looking for my luggage I look for Danielle where she said she would meet me. The only thing that could cheer me up right now is her adorable smile. I get a little disappointed when I realize she isn't here yet.

I pull out the handles of my two large suitcases and turn around to look for her again. This time I see her, with her sunglasses on searching the crowded area for me. I start walking quickly dragging my suitcases and repeating, "excuse me." over and over again. When I finally reach Danielle I let go of my bags and quickly wrap my arms around her neck and sigh. She hesitates but she quickly wraps her arms tightly around my waist. When I let out I apologize for the sudden hug, "sorry, I've had a bad day,"

"Sorry I was a little late. I wanted to get you some flowers." She smiles and hands me the colorful bouquet. I feel my cheeks get warm and my smile gets even wider.

"You are literally the sweetest girl." I take her sunglasses off of her face so I can see her beautiful eyes, "thank you Danielle." I hug her again.

"You're welcome. I hope your day gets better."

"Don't worry, it already has." I give her glasses back and she puts them back on.

She takes one of my suitcases and I follow her out of the airport and to her car. She opens the trunk and I watch her throw my heavy luggage into it. "That was hot." I mumble.

"What?" She asks really not knowing what I just said.

"Thank you." I smile innocently.

"Oh, yeah." She nods her head and smiles. I stand by while she closes the trunk then makes her way to the passengers side. She opens the door for me and I get into her car. I watch her walk around and get in her side. She starts the car and backs out of the parking space. "Do you want to go eat? Or if you're tired I can just take you home."

"Eating sounds good. I'll buy your dinner since you came and got me." I answer.

"No I wanted to come and get you, and I want to take you to go eat, so I will pay." She says dragging out the words I and you.

"Okay fine. But I'm paying for the next time."

"Alright, where do you want to go?" She asks.

"In-N-Out." I answer without a thought.


"Yeah, I don't wanna go anywhere fancy. Look at me."

"You look beautiful." She says quietly.

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