Chapter 31: Unwanted Surprises

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, I'm just not that hungry." She politely declared, pushing the plate away. The boy shoved down the feelings of frustration and great disappointment, trying to remind himself of his worth compared to her own.

"I don't care..." (Y/n) glanced towards her company who held his sights away from her, coveting his true internal reflection as a cold voice seeped out of his lips. "I don't care. You can throw it away for all it's worth." He bitterly stated before turning towards the door. The female tried to quickly figure out any sort of sentence that would revert the boy's temperament but remained speechless as he made a thorough exit out of the room.

(Y/n) gazed down towards the food she wished she could fully savour. As she thought over the male's gesture, she couldn't help but feel mellow at her rejection of his attentive presentation. Especially considering his usual mannerisms. Sighing at her predicament, the girl reassessed her situation and considered the dish.

After contemplating for a moment she picked up the utensils once again and began consuming the food. Driven by her insensitive display, she silently took down the goods with the only solace that it didn't have a foul taste to deter her.

(Y/n) placed the now empty dish inside the sink along with the few other porcelain plates and silverware. She gave Chef a polite and thankful smile for obliging to clean her share of the platter before shuffling out of the kitchen.

As she entered the silence of the corridor, the female could sense the skin on her back tighten, netting through the rest of her body as her senses were drawn on high alert. Her eyelids began rapidly blinking as her eyes darted around the lifeless area, searching for as peck of evidence that would justify her alarmed reaction. She scrunched her brow in a perplexed expression, staring ahead of herself and stilling her progress in expectancy for another figure to come onto the scene and reveal that her paranoia had substance.

However, her presence was not accompanied by another, leaving her to ease her clenched shoulders and muscles into a more relaxed posture. As she breathed out her uneasiness, the skin on her arms began pricking and sending jitters coursing through her limbs and body as she felt the touch of fingers sliding from her wrists, through the length of her arm, to rest on her shoulders. (Y/n) spun around at the unprecedented contact to face a smirking face.

"Did I scare you, sweetheart?" A cheerful tone chirped as his dark blue eyes played with her form where his mind frolicked with her image in ways which his body was denied to. Lilito's wolf-like grin accentuated his intended mischief that did not sit well in her conscious.

(Y/n) exhaled a shaky breath as she pointed the boy with an irritated glare. "Where did you come from? How did you even sneak behind me?" She begrudgingly uttered, steering her body back towards the corridor as she expected her questions to be answered with the smallest regard from the male as possible.

Lilito chuckled at her bewilderedness and edged closer to her. "I've got skills in many areas that might surprise you." He boastfully informed, playfully sawing his body as he circled the female to assess her. (Y/n) slightly reverted back at the predatory behaviour and sharpened her senses out of reflex.

"Did you want something?" She uncertainly questioned, standing her ground while the household member eyed her with consideration.

"Oh, I want a lot of things from you." He cooed, obfuscating the intentions behind his tone before finally coming to a stop in front of the girl. She watchfully stared at him as the obscurity in his actions made her feel vulnerable and disadvantaged.

"Is it going to take long? I still have a job to do..." She warily dismissed, earning a light chuckle from the esoteric boy who relished in her confusion.

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