Chapter 28: Boom Pow

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Marynn 's POV

Mrs McKinney motioned for me to go into the room. And immediately i understood her signs i strolled to the door and then paused to knock on it. I knocked twice before pushing it open. I turned to where we were siting and i saw a nurse show them a little room for them to sit. Entering  the cold room i sight Othman looking at his father. I guess he doesn't even realise i have entered maybe he heard me but right now he didn't turn to look who entered .

"Salam." I greeted softly
shuting the door with my back. "Waalaikumsalam." Othman replied with a smug face. I looked at his father and i notice his eyes . They were opened.

My lips parted in astonishment. I thought they said only a miracle could wake him . I wanted to rush out to inform the family egarly waiting outside for results. But Othman instructed me to come forward. "Alhamdulilah." I manage to blurt out. I was so happy i was smiling ear to ear,chin to chin with little tears in my eyes,wallah this was the best thing that has happened all day.

Mr McKinney is awake.
He is Alive.

Mr McKinney closed his eyes as if he was drifting back to sleep. "Should i get him some water." I asked happiness was all over my voice or rather excitement. Im sure if not for his leg he would have gone to get one for him too. This is a happy day if not joyful.  I opened the refrigerator in the room and got two bottles. Now that i think of it. "Shouldn't we inform the nurses?" I mean what if he isn't suppose to take water. Othman pressed on a tiny red button i think its for emergency or something there was something similar to that in every room. Even the one i was in the other day.

I swear before i got to Othman the door swung open with two nurses and a doctor with a labcoat. Because of how they rushed in Mrs McKinney followed them in shortly. The doctor held Mr McKinneys hand checking his pulse and asking him some questions i couldn't hear. I wanted to excuse them but Othman held my hand making my movement impossible. "He is going to be fine. In Shaa Allah." I whispered to his ear to calm him down. Even though i knew nothing about his condition right now. before i knew it Omar also walked into the room.

"Im sorry but you all have to excuse us for a moment. We are really sorry we need to put him though emergency at the moment. I turned to look at Othman and he was already on the wheelchair and Omar was about wheeling him out before they paused for me to follow suite

I just hope the emergency doesn't turn out bad.In Shaa Allah it will turn out good.
I try to feel my self with positive thoughts.


It has been three weeks now since Mr McKinney woke up, he has been awake but he hasn't really said anything he only nods when he is been asked something. And Alhamdulilah Othman has been recovering quite well he can now walk but not like before he is still healing. But some times he walks with crutches but never on a wheel chair like before. Thanks to the psychotherapy he gets daily

Nevertheless Othman and i have been getting a bit close and just last night he asked me during dinner if i would come back to his room and i accepted it even. But i didn't show the excitement on my face.

Besides i had to i missed him and defiantly missed sleeping next to him. And i am prettu sure he does to. Before we came back to our room. He had already informed the servants to take my belongings to his room where they were before.

I walked into the room i once stayed kn The temperature of the room was lovely makes me want to stay in bed all day long, i reminded me of when i came back from school and i would just walk straight to this room. It almost felt like i never left the room like it was just yesterday.

I plugged my phone and the lights came on. Sat on the bed before drifting to dream land.

You know how some couples sleep with there baby. While i on the other hand doesnt sleep with Abdullah. I sometimes miss him in the middle of the nigh. Like right now i really miss him. And it was also time to check up on him.i took the comforter away from me after scratching my dry hair. I really need to trim my hair it fell down upto my lower back and it was not really fattering i packed them up and rolled it in a messy pony tail with the band that had come off whilst i was sleeping . I pull my legs out of the comforter placing my leg on the cold hard furry white carpet.

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