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Your pov

You decided to reset. I mean, it's THE MOST obvious choice in the universe! You smiled at frisk and she smiled back. "Let's go frisk." You said and you both pressed the button. A blinding light covered your vision and you felt like you were falling. You dropped to the ground and you saw that golden flowers broke your fall. You saw frisk beside you. "Come on frisk! Let's go!" You said and carried frisk and they pouted. "Can't you just wait (y/n)?" She asked and you felt as if stars appear in your eyes. "Nope! I'm excited to see him again!

Timeskip to goat mom's sad moment to the ruin's door

Toriel hugged the both of you. "Be safe okay my children?" She said and handed you two bags. Inside there were spare clothes and money, a whole butterscotch cinnamon pie in a container,a jacket and a scarf and a cell phone. Toriel walked back. She looked at the two of you one more time then she came back upstairs. You gave frisk a excited,nervous and a let's-keep-going-im-excited look. They nodded and giggled. You two opened the door to be met by the cold. You two put on your jackets. You grabbed frisk's hand and ran to the bridge faster than before. You stopped and you heard footsteps from behind. You turned around excitedly and you saw sans. You ran and tackled him to the ground. "I miss you much sans!!!!" "Uhh.. hey kid? Please get off of me and how do you know my name?" You felt your soul get broken by this. You stood up and looked at him with teary eyes. He stood up from the ground and looked at the both of you weirdly. Frisk patted your back. You felt your tears flow down your eyes like a waterfall. You just stood there. The world disappeared in your vision and became a black void. You fell to your knees and cried. The world appeared in your vision again and they were looking at you. Frisk with a look of pitty,confusion and sadness while HE looks at you with the same look frisk has. You stood up and ran to snowdin forest. You ran faster ignoring their calls. You lost them and luckily, your feet didn't left foot prints. You found a cave and hid there. You hid behind a rock and leaned there. You cried and cried. HE loved you and then just forgot about you. It was like the time that he had amnesia but this hurt even more. You were there for hours. You soon became tired and fell asleep but your tears still didn't stop flowing from your eyes

Sans's pov

"KID!!! COME BACK!!!" I called. Even though I don't know much about them, I still care about them. I wanted to know how they knew me. I looked down and the footprints stopped but she isn't there. I searched high,low, left,right, middle,in and out but she's still no where to be seen. "Kid, who is she and how did she know me? I really need to know! You owe me a explanation later! Where do you think she could be?" I asked frisk who is looking everywhere. "I will say it later. Let's just go forward." She said and we ran and saw a cave. We went inside it and saw the kid there crying in her sleep. Now I felt bad. I carried her and teleported her and frisk  to my room and put the other human in my bed. "Alright kid. Ya owe me a looong explanation." I said and looked at frisk. "Why didn't you remember? I thought that you always remember timelines. Every reset,routes and actions. Why won't you remember the last one?" She said and I was shocked. I only remembered her doing a pacifist timeline and then she reseted and this happened. "What? I only remembered you doing a pacifist timeline and reseted and this happened." I said and she started to explain. It was pretty long but I listened anyways. "Wait wait wait! Let me get this straight! So you say (y/n) over here is my wife and she has monster power and she is a part neko part angel? Well fiance because we still haven't got married because of a distraction and someone reseted but it's not you. The timeline got reseted and so many events happened and in a certain timeline, we finally got reunited and I died and she attempted suicide and she reseted and this happened? Frisk, your not making sense. If that happened then I should've remembered it! Don't be making things frisk." "No I'm serious sans! Didn't you remember anything at all?" I can see that by the tone of her voice that she is serious. "It must be because she reseted and not you. I think I can only remember when you reset. Now I feel bad for her. I mean, she is pretty, don't blame me." I said and blushed a little. Frisk giggles and we heard groans from the bed.

Your pov

You groaned. You woke up on a soft bed. How did you get here? You saw frisk and.... You wished that you didn't even noticed. "Hey (y/n)! Sans brought you here! I explained everything and he seems to understand!" Frisk says and HE nodded but you saw that he still didn't knew what was going on. Your soul felt like it cracked again. You stood up and took your bag from the corner. You were going to walk out of the door but it was closed shut by a blue aura. You weren't even surprised. You look at them with a blank expression. Your eyes are dull and there's no hint of color in it. It's only gray. Your voice was careless and it sounded like venom. "what?" You spat and they looked at you kind of scared. You felt no emotions within you. You only felt emptiness. You didn't care. "(Y-y/n), y-you werent l-like this b-b-before. W-what happened?" Frisk said shaking and she hid behind sans. You just stared.

Feeling that he won't ever remember you again and you won't get your happy ending fills you with fear,sadness and HATE...

Another Way (sans x reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now