Interviews With The MGC/LCF7: T.C.O.D

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|The Cross Of Dress |Interview 4

(In a step of the stair way to heaven  sits down the  Megalomaniac gag character and infront of them sits an interviewer from Toolviewer and live tv&radio.)

I.T.R: Why did you write The Cross Of Dress Fanfiction?

MGC/LCF7: I wanted to make something people would object to and it would still be funny. I also wanted to put Arno in an uncomfortable situation inducted by Élise herself and to give Connor a son and daddy moment with Haythem.

I.T.R: So you bunched up a lot of characters for this.

MGC/LCF7: Yeah, I wanted to see how they would act together and the conflicts that could arise.

I.T.R: So Jacob got the werewolf cane? Will he become a werewolf?

MGC/LCF7: Yeah, In something I'm working on. He becomes a werewolf and his sister a vampire. Connor is a huge eagle, Ezio becomes batman, Élise learns she has force powers and Avéline becomes a magical sailor Scout.

I.T.R: Why did you make Arno cross dress?

MGC/LCF7: I wasn't trying to insult drag queens or demasculate him.  Lafayette dressed up as a woman to get to America why can't Arno? Except for getting to the colonies part. Lafayette was my favorite character in the third assassinscreed.

I.T.R: Alright. What do you think of the feed back you got for this?

MGC/LCF7: It made me happy. I don't get much feed back anways. I don't mind if people criticize it. I want all of you to rain down on your thoughts and dislikes. Muhahahahahah!

I.T.R: So you are making more for this story?

MGC/LCF7: I'm going to leave this as it's self and call the other stuff it's own.

I.T.R: Good, So how did the twins get the glasses?

MGC/LCF7: They are in an moden universe and bought them at an antique store where they also bought Evie's couch.

I.T.R: The future of these parodies?

MGC/LCF7: Im writing the crossed wedding and the league of magical assassins.

(Suddenly MGC/LCF7 disappears entirely and is brought into the genesis spectrum.)

MGC/LCF7:I'm going to be reborn?

To Be Continued...

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