Chapter 19 Ellie

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When we step outside through the back door by the gym entrance, Sammy won't stop talking, and he's so gross!

"Duuude, hold up." He smiles at me, then clears his throat and spits out a big green glob of snot that spins through the air and lands on the sidewalk. "Now, that was a good horker, bro!"

I look at Sammy Armstrong like he's disgusting, because he is. "Eww!" I say, before I remember that The Prince of That her probably doesn't say eww. "I mean, um, uhhh, cool, cool." I try again and give him a little nod like I see boys do.

Sammy grins at me. "Dude, exactly how hard did you hit your head? You're seriously acting weird!"

I glance up and down the back parking area and see if I can spot my mom or Jack. But I don't see anyone I know, and to make matters worse? Sammy hauls off and slugs me in the arm. Hard.

"Gunner," he says.

"Gunner? What? Someone had a gun?!!!" I look all around and practically drop to the ground.

"Yo!" Sammy starts laughing. "Seriously! You're kind of scaring me, Jacko!" He points to the big black pickup truck. "Your brother? Gunner?"

"Hello?" He shoves me for emphasis. "Bro's here, broskinator!"

I look towards the big black pickup truck pulled up to the curb. Brother? I thought Jack said it would be his dad.

Sammy follows me to the truck. It's huge. The truck, I mean. Like, the kind you practically need a stepladder just to climb up into the seat. The windows are down, and there's country music blaring. I open the door and launch myself up and glace at the kid in the driver's seat, who pretty much looks like an older, even more handsome version of Jack. If that's possible. He's got the same dimples, and big toothy smile, and he's wearing jeans and a gray T-shirt that is just tight enough that his biceps pop out.

He turns to me. "Dang! What happened to you, little man?"

I settle into the front seat. My heart--Jack's heart--is absolutely pounding, and my mind's racing for what I'm supposed to say. Something about a cage and nothing about the fight, but before I manage to even get a word out, Sammy takes over. He's wedged himself between me and the door of the truck so there is no way I can close it, even if I wanted to. And I want to.

"Big Boy drop the mitts," announces Sammy. "You should have seen him he dusted the kid."

"Stud," says Gunner, shooting me a smile.

He starts with the truck, but that does not stop Sammy. He just leaves down onto the ground and runs alongside us.

"Jacko," he calls out, "if you are not at Owen's tomorrow night, I will personally deliver you a swift kick in the cashews! And, Jack---"

I turn and look back at Sammy running after the truck.

"Stick your hands out the window and squeeze. It feels like boobs!"

Oh my god.

"Try it!" he shouts. He's bent over, laughing.

"Get a load of this guy!" Gunner says, looking back over his shoulder, grinning. "Kids crazy!"

Nepal out of Thatcher onto the main road.

"So, you surprised?" he asks.

"Surprised?" I repeat.

Great. What am I supposed to be surprised about?

"El Capitán had a work thing, so it's bro time, little buddy!"

I turn away and stare out the window. Who the heck is El capitán?

Going to give me a weird look. "You feeling okay, buddy?"

I'm not in quietly pray he can't tell that I'm on the verge of tears.

But it doesn't work.

"C'mon, man, quit being so soft!" he tells me. "Please tell me you aren't crying like a little girl."

That's exactly what I'm doing, I think. I keep myself turned away, looking out the window.

"Take your shirt off, ya big beauty!"


"Dude, relax. You stood up for yourself, right?"

I keep quiet.

"Did you win or did you lose?"

I shrug. I have no idea what to say..

He repeats the question. "Did you win or did you lose?"

"Win, I guess." I finally managed an answer.

Gunner's entire face lit up. "Nails, Jaco!" He says, reaching over and squeezing my shoulder.


"You take care of your business, little man. Just, you know, there will be some hell to pay. Let's not tell the captain just yet, okay?"

"The captain?" I asked.

Apparently I've said something funny. Gunner laughs and looks at me. "You're sounding a little off, bro. Did you get your bell rung or what?"

I shrug again.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Gunner check himself out in the rearview mirror. "Lost about 5 pounds in sweat today. Good skate this morning with the boys. Grind now, shine later, right?"

He turns the music up. "Nothing better than cruisin' with all windows down, big dog! I can sing as loud and bad as I want." He pauses and grins right at me. "Gonna stop and get my flow chopped. You in?"

"Uhhh, I guess?" I say. I have no idea what he's talking about.

Gunner look surprised. "Seriously?"

"Sure." I Shrugged. Whatever I say I will do makes Gunner very happy.

His eyes light up as he reaches over again, grabbing my knee this time and squeezing it hard. "Pumped! Proud of you, man. Holdin' it down. What did the girls think of your eye?"


"It's a good look, Jacko. Beast mode!"

Boys are so weird!

Jack's brother is kind of funny. He smiles a lot. "Bro," he says. "Pain is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit, right? What did the other dude look like?"

"What other dude?" I say.

Gunner laughs. "The donkey you dusted."

"Um, oh, not too good, I guess." Yes, I'm just making stuff up at this point.

"Did you destroy him?"

"I guess?"

"That-a-boy, little man. Flat-out brawl. Showing a little Grit!" He stretches his arm out towards me and Ruffles my-Jacks-thick, messy hair. "Showed some Jam, bro!"

I work up the nerve to look over at him again. He's probably 16 or 17, I guess. And he has the same blue eyes is Jack in the same Wild dark hair. Gunner catches me looking. It's awkward. "You sure you're okay, little man?"

"Yeah," I manage. "I'm good," I say with a nervous laugh.

I'm not exactly good! I'm riding in a truck with the kid I just met, and I'm in Jack Malloy's body.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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