10 - A Ring To It

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A Ring To It

(A/N: This was inspired by: I loved writing Coffee shop!Cas so here's another one! It's an AU where Cas is human and with Dean already, and there's a surprise in there too! Eek!)

Castiel looked around the coffee shop, meeting the eyes of some of the impatient queue. There were 6 cups lined up along the counter with names and orders scribbled on them in black Sharpie by Garth. Another cup was added to the line as Cas got rid of the two most insistent orders, moving onto the next like a factory machine.

Castiel thinks about those sparkling green eyes and powered on knowing that the quicker he worked, the quicker this day would go and the sooner he would be reunited with a green gaze filled with love. Castiel was sometimes worried that a mind reader would walk into the coffee shop and catch his not-so-PG thoughts about Dean.

Castiel picked up a cup and smiled. The order had the name 'Dean Novak' on it and he marvelled at how good Dean would sound with Castiel's last name but Dean never vistied Cas at work so he continued to work like a machine. Cas filled the takeaway cup with the order and then went to the counter and called “Dean Novak!” only to be replied with,

“It has a ring to it, doesn't it?” The crowd parted like some cliché chick flick and there was Dean, Castiel's Dean, leaning against the door jamb at the back of the coffee shop and it took Cas back in time to when they first met when the first thing had Castiel said to Dean was that his name had a nice ring to it.

Castiel didn't know how to react, his mouth was slightly agape and all he could see were those sparkling green eyes filled with so much life. “So what do you say, Cas?” his mind wasn't functioning properly so he couldn't quite understand what Dean was referring to.

“What do I say about what?” Cas questioned, still in shock. He started to make his way around the counter so that this private conversation between the two lovers could be indeed private.

“My name being Dean Novak?” Dean bounced back.

“Is this a proposal?” Cas asked, throwing out another stupid question, the conversation was starting to make a little bit of sense now.

“Would you say yes if it was?” His love asked cockily, not caring if 15 strangers were watching them with awe.

“Yes.” Castiel breathed, leaning on the front of the counter as if his body was beckoning Dean forward.

“Than, will you marry me?” Dean uttered getting down on one knee, pulling a velvet box out of his pants pocket.“Yes!” Castiel finally cried, his mind blanking everything but the man in front of him holding out a silver band. Castiel watched as Dean slid it onto his finger, as if this was some surreal dream and in a minute he was going to wake up with an empty feeling.

Castiel never did wake up, he lived in that dream until the end when he fell asleep next to a grey and wrinkled Dean Novak and never woke up again...

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