Chapter 4

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**sorry for the time skip /.\**

After a week of questions from the police, doctors, nurses, and therapists, I can finally leave this hell known as a hospital.

The down side is I'm going to another hell, my so-called father's home. Austin asked if I wanted to call him dad that it would be okay, and I replied with a no. I refuse to forgive this man for leaving me and my mother, and why would he leave in the first place? I wish I had never met this man that had made me, I wish he had never found me. Why now, after all this time, why did he have to show up in my life now? I do not want him to be near me.

"Lilith, the police officers want you to talk to them one more time." Austin said.

"fine, let them in." as soon as I said that the door opened much wider, and two male police officers had walked through.

"Hello Lilith, I am officer j-"

"Just fucking ask me the questions."

"Young lady, please do not talk to an armed officer that way."

"what are you going to do? shoot me?." I laughed then continued. "Yeah right. "

"Again Id like to ask if you would tell us about the most recent sexual assault that you encountered?"

"No." I answered simply."

"Can I ask why?"

" I have been asked this far too many times. I was in the San Fransisco Orphanage and then one worker told me to go to the black room for the hundreth time, I didnt even try to fight it, I just went to the room knowing that there wasn't a way out of this. Then I went in the room and a man raped me! happy?! Do you just want me to suffer more? I am not telling you who it was because I don't ever want to see him again! just being in my mind is bad enough! Get the fuck out of my hospital room." the officer sighed, nodded his head, and-along with his partner- got up and left.

I wiped the tears out of my eyes and got out of bed. Can we get out of here Austin?" I asked quietly.

he sheepishly nodded his head and gave me a change of clothes. I looked at it confused.

"How did you get my clothes?' I asked calmly.

"U-um well you are living with me now so I picked up all of your stuff.' I just nodded, not wanting to get into another fight.

"So, where do you live?" I asked

"I live in orange county. so we got a long drive. you can just lay in the back and sleep if you want. tomorrow we are going shopping."

"okay." I normally hate shopping, but I want to waste this pricks money.

**Skipping car ride (she just sleeps the whole way)**

"Hey Lilith, your home."

"fuck off."

"Lilith, you have a bed waiting for you upstairs."

"Carry me there?"

"Sure I'll come back and get your bags."

i felt two arms snake around my body and I screamed and flinched away.

"relaxe Lilith, it's just Austin."

'N-no it was him." I felt tears fall down my cheeks.

"Do you want to walk?" I quicky nod my head yes and slowly got out of the SUV and waited for Austin to show me where my new rooms was. I looked at Austin's face and saw that tears where falling down his cheeks.

"Where is my room in this hell hole?" I said. Austin's voice broke when he answered.

"Follow m-me." I got a broken smile from my father and he started to walk into the house. I followed him into the house and when he took his shoes off, I took mine off, when he turned, I turned. I was very nervous about this, just going into my new room. What if he makes it like the round room? We arrive at a door and Austin opens it.

"Here is your new room Lilith." I look in the room and the walls are white with black accents. the full-size bed has black bedding and tons of pillows; best part of all, the room had corners.

"The closet is really cool. There is like a hidden room in there. The walls are white so you can use a sharpie and color the walls if you want."

"Cool. Thanks."

Austin set my bags down on the bed.

"Look, Lilith, I know that you are mad at me, but there is something that I need to tell you, so please listen."

"Okay, i'll listen."

"I didn't leave by choice, your uncle said if I didn't leave by the time that you were born that he would kill you and your mother. I wanted to protect you so I did what I thought was right at the time, I left, I now know that it was the worst decision I could have ever made. I am so sorry and I love you very much and I wish I l could have stopped all of this."

"I forgive you, dad."

Austin Carlile's New DaughterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora