The prince monster

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Fudan-jichan POV
Its quite road.. The stars slowly disappears . The sun is ready to say hello to the world..



"Bug.. gedebug.. bug"


"Doooooor..!!!!! Kclink" the sound of shotgun that already launched..

"Stop the fighting....."

"Police? ..."



The grup of young boy running as fast as they can... the road that being the witness of the the fight left empty..

"Ckckckckck" the sound of laughing boy

"Plak..!" the sound of head that being smacked

"Ugh. Its hurts P'"

"You still dare to laugh ?" the handsome young man speak

"Its because its so funny seeing how they scared running with their tails between their leg, btw, how do you make that sound any way p'?" The thin boy asking

With this baloon and this nail that i intentionally dropped as the baloon go off..

" doooor... kclink..." the baloon go off and the nail dropped..
"How is that?" The handsome youngman asked

"Wow, idont know youre such scam p'?! The thin boy pretend to be disappointed

" i should just go back to sleep" the handome pretend to walk away from the thin

"Wait P', iam sorry.. and thankyu for saving me.. help me, i was hurt all over my body.."the thin whimper

The handsome smiling, then helping the thin to stand and walk..


"Plak" the smacked sound

"Are you moron? How can you tell pong to rescue you like that. What if he make a rampage on the city?"

"If i tell you, you are not even gonna help me p jack! I was on pinch, I already saw my dead line! Ijust call whatever in my contact!" The thin boy explain

"Just treats him nicely jack" pong interupt, "he already got beaten. And what do you mean i went rampage. I am not monster, i dont even kill a fly" pong add and smiled at jack

"Uuuu... your smile too scary pong! Dont smile at me..!! Fuck !!!"

"Am i that ugly jued?" Pong asked jued that who is being treated by jack

"Hah , no P' ! You are the handsomest guy that i know ! You re the kindest that i know! If i were a girl I will definitely fall over your! " jued answered sincerely

Pong smiled " thankyu jued! Then why are you hate my handsome face jack, idont even smile that often! Uou should feel blessed "

"Yeah yeah, you are too handsome! That why your smile is scary, but for fuck sake how can you still single with your looks pong!, stop trying to look for your soulmate! if i were you I will like this jued boy who is flirting with the girl and her husband too!!"

"Wait p, i am not flirting, the girl who is seducing me first! And how am i supposed To know that she is already married. ! I just found out that she is merried after her husband and his gang come looking after me."

"Plak" jack smack jued head.
"You should know! Just what that girl seeing in your ugly face"

"Ouch! That hurt p'! Yeah yeah i will becarefull next time! And im not that ugly"Jued make a grumpy face

" Oh by the way why are you still single P' pong?"

"He is not like you ! Who is having sex anywhere anytime like fucking sex doll!! He is trying too find his true love."

"Mpfft! True love p? Then are you virgin p"pong"

Pong smiled to jued " do you want to try me on bed?"

Jued blushing "oh mmm"

Smack coming to jued from jack! " no sex no relationship between member! And why are you even blushing!!" Jack yelled

"Pfffttt.. hahaha" Pong laughed..

"Are you sure he is virgin p?And je trying to Find soulmate p jack?"

"Yeah, its just his pheromones that he use on you! That why i call him monster! He can seduce all of people by just one smile whatever he is boy or girl, old or fucking kid!" Jack whispered to the thin boy

"Wow. I want to have his face P jack!!"

"Plak" jued got smacked again

" just remember! Don't involve him in any fight Again, he is our center and visual in our band! We cAnt let his face
Been damaged!"

"Yes P, by the why, are you still virgin too P?" Jued asked

" iam not!! But iam not fucking dog in heat like you "

"Plak" jack hit jued head again

"Ouch, p pong.. help me.. i want you to be the one that treat me.." jued begging pong

Pong laughing watching the two of his band member that looks like couple in quarrel

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