Eight | Ruby's hero

Start from the beginning

"Jerry isn't as annoying as I thought he was," Ruby admitted. "He knows a real lot about running a farm."

"He does annoy me, but he is quite knowledgeable in that area," said Anne. "And I suppose I do like having him around." Anne smiled to herself. "I imagine he's what a brother would be like."

When the two girls got to Green Gables they immediately went to the kitchen where Marilla was filling two baskets with biscuits and jugs of water.

"Ah, there you are. Hello, Ruby," said Marilla as the girls entered the kitchen. "Just in time. Mathew and Jerry are readying the wagon and I've just finished filling the baskets. Take them, and do wish Mr. Gray the best of my regards."

Anne took one basket while Ruby got the other.

"What about the rest of the Gray family?" asked Anne.

Marilla undid the back of her cooking apron. "They haven't come yet. They will be arriving in a few weeks time."

Baskets and axes in tow, Mathew, Anne, Jerry and Ruby set off for the Gray's property. Anne and Ruby sat in the back while Jerry sat up front with Mathew.

As they rattled along, Jerry glanced back at the girls. He addressed Ruby, "Are you going to help us cut down the trees?" he asked, holding up an axe and grinning.

Ruby's happy smile fell. She looked at Anne. "He doesn't mean it, does he?" she asked, alarmed.

"I'm only teasing," Jerry assured her, and then faced front again.

When they reached what Ruby presumed was what would eventually be the Gray's farm, they found it swarmed by men and boys, the sound of axes thudding against tree trunks, and the occasional crash of falling trees. Most of the land was still obscured by trees, but the patch of tree stumps was beginning to grow. A small area of cleared land was being used as a resting spot for tired workers.

As they pulled to a stop, Ruby heard a shout and looked around to see Billy Andrews shouting across the woods, his back completely turned to the tree he'd just cut. It crashed to the ground behind the boy.

"Blythe," Billy called to Gilbert who wasn't far away. "That's number five!"

"Great," Gilbert called back, but he wasn't paying attention to Billy. He had stopped his work and was staring at the Cuthbert's wagon, and, Ruby realized with a pang, Anne.

If Anne noticed Gilbert, she didn't give any signs. She climbed out of the wagon and then addressed Mathew. "If you're looking for us, Mathew, Ruby and I will be here, setting out food and water."

Mr. Cuthbert nodded as he got his axe from the back of the wagon. "Be careful. Trees will be falling in every direction."

"We will," said Anne.

As Ruby made to climb out of the wagon, she was surprised to find a hand offered to her.

"Oh, thank you, Jerry," said Ruby.

Jerry just nodded as he took Ruby's hand and helped her out of the wagon. While Jerry and Mathew set off into the woods to join the others, Ruby and Anne found a large tree stump. Anne covered it with a large handkerchief and then they set out the biscuits and water.

As they worked, Anne began to chatter. "You know, I don't mind bringing the men and boys food. In fact, I like to be of help. It's just the misconception that girls ought to be bringing the men food which bothers me. Do you agree?"

But Ruby wasn't listening. She was squinting into the trees. "You know, Gilbert is such a hard worker, he probably won't come to get food," said Ruby thoughtfully. "Do you think I should bring him some?"

Anne avoided looking Ruby in the eye. "I'll stay here."

Ruby gathered a couple of biscuits, wrapped them carefully in a handkerchief, then walked purposefully into the woods to go find Gilbert. Has she not been so intent upon her search, she might've remembered Mr. Cuthbert's warning to be careful. But with things being as they were, she barely noticed the trees that came crashing down every once in a while.

Ruby was picking her way down a path of withering autumn ferns when somebody let out a whoop, followed by a loud CRACK!

"Ha! That's six! Beat that Blythe!" called Billy.

Billy's shout was eclipsed by another. "Ruby, look out!"

Ruby looked around and for a second it felt like her heart had stopped. A large tree was falling straight toward her. Before Ruby could do anything, she was knocked to the ground by someone. The tree smashed down only inches from her boots.

Ruby stared at the thing which had almost just crushed her with wide blue eyes and a pounding heart. If someone hasn't pushed her out of the way, she could've died, or at least been seriously injured. Breathlessly, Ruby looked around to see who her hero was. Jerry Baynard was sitting on the forest floor beside her.

"Ruby, are you alright?" asked Jerry urgently. He scrambled to his feet, carelessly brushing away the pain of the scrapes he had received in his fall. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you over. I didn't know what else to do."

Jerry helped Ruby to her feet as everyone came rushing over to see if they were alright.

Ruby was so shocked by everything that had just happened, she couldn't do anything, even cry. She just stared at Jerry and said, "T-thank you, Jerry. That was real brave of you."

Jerry, stunned by the girl's praise, stared back.

"Ruby, what do you think you're doing walking around here?" Ruby's father appeared out of the crowd and pulled Ruby into a hug. "You need to be careful." Mr. Gillis looked around at the other men. "Who's tree was that?"

There was a moments silence then Jerry spoke up, "It was Billy's, sir."

Mr. Gillis looked around at Billy. "Is this true?"

Billy shuffled his feet and muttered, "yes."

"You need to be more careful —" started Mr. Gillis, but Billy' scolding was interrupted by a angry voice coming from across the woods. Ruby recognized Anne's voice.

"You don't have any kind of 'effect' on me Gilbert Blythe, none what so ever!"

The Hired Boy |Ruby Gillis & Jerry Baynard|Where stories live. Discover now