Six | Ruby and Lillian become aquainted

Start from the beginning

"Why didn't you do your daily chores first?" asked Ruby.

Jerry shrugged. "I thought it might be a good thing to add to your story, how early a hired boy must wake and all." He added. "Ms. Cuthbert wants us to milk the cow before breakfast. So if you are done complaining about how early it is, you can follow me."

Still hugging her shawl tightly about herself, Ruby stepped her way across the yard, following Jerry in the growing dawn light.

Once in the barn, Jerry entered a large stall where a big cow was chewing on her cud. Jerry gestured for Ruby to follow. She reluctantly stepped inside.

"This is one the milking cows."Jerry patted the animal on the rump. "Anne calls her Lillian."

Jerry positioned one of the pails he had brought beneath the cows udders, then drew up a small stool.

He straightened up and leaned against the wall right beside Ruby. He glanced at her. "Ladies first."

Ruby stared. "What?"

Jerry gestured at the cow. "Wouldn't you like to take the first turn milking?"

"But I don't know how!" said Ruby.

Jerry tilted his head to one side. "Does your family not own any cows?"

"No, they do. But I don't milk them," said Ruby.

"Do you not do chores?" asked Jerry.

"I do!" said Ruby, slightly offended. "I just don't milk the cows! Why can't I just watch you do it?"

"You can. I'll show you and then you can try it."

Ruby shook her head frantically. "I don't want to try it!"

"But you need to, for school," said Jerry . "Watch. It is easy."

Jerry sat down on the stool and began milking the cow, while describing how it should be done.

Ruby watched, arms crossed, a disgruntled expression on her pretty, pale face. She hoped in vain that the cow would run out of milk before she got her turn.

Jerry looked up at Ruby, smiling. "See? Easy. Your turn."

"I can't —" started Ruby, but Jerry had already stood and was guiding her toward the stool. She reluctantly sat and stared at the udders across from her.

"What do I do first?" She felt close to tears.

Jerry repeated the instructions he had already given. Ruby grabbed ahold of an udder and, squirming inside at the feeling of it, squeezed it carelessly. The milk squirted right into Ruby's face.

Ruby let out a high pitched screech and went toppling backwards off the stool on to the straw covered ground.

Startled by the loud noise, Lillian, the cow, let out an alarmed lowing noise. Abandoning the chewing of her cud, the cow moved with careless haste. Jerry hurried to calm the animal, but he wasn't quick enough. Lillian had knocked into the pail. It split across the ground and the milk trickled all the way to where Ruby was sitting.

"My dress!" cried Ruby.

She jumped to her feet and looked at the back of her dress. It was soiled by milk and hay. She started to cry.

"It's ruined! It's all ruined!" Ruby wailed.

"It's not so bad," said Jerry, alarmed by the girl's tears. "It's just a little bit wet!"

"It's ruined!" Ruby repeated through her sobbing. "And it's your fault, Jerry Baynard!"

"I am sorry, Miss," said Jerry, quickly.

Giving up on Lillian, Jerry tried to comfort Ruby. However calming cows was much more his area of expertise than comforting girls. He awkwardly Ruby on the shoulder, but she shrugged away, apparently inconsolable.

Ruby covered her face with her hands in despair. "I'm never milking a cow again!"

"I think I'd better go get Ms. Cuthbert," said Jerry.

He left Ruby and went running into Green Gables. He found Marilla Cuthbert and Anne Shirley in the kitchen getting ready for breakfast. They looked up in surprise as Jerry entered.

"Jerry, what are you doing?" asked Anne, pausing with utensils in hand. "Where's Ruby."

"The milk spilled on her dress," explained Jerry. "And now she's bawling her eyes out. I didn't know what else to do, so I came to get you."

Anne was already hurrying to get her coat. "It isn't uncommon for Ruby to become hysterical over small things." Anne pulled her coat on. "However, she is my friend and I'd best go make sure she is alright."

Anne and Jerry left the house together. When they reached the barn they found Ruby in the exact same spot Jerry had left her, still crying.

"Come along, Ruby," said Anne. She put her arm around the girl and guided her out of the barn.

Jerry watched them go without any regret. Ruby was very pretty and funny, but Jerry had never seen anyone, even Anne, overreact like she just had.

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