• chapter seven •

Start from the beginning

"I come from an alpha's family, our pack was destroyed years ago so we took refuge here and Kieran's grandfather made mine the beta, so I don't lose control in the full moons. I usually am the one that stops the fights."

That was an interesting piece of information I would save for a rainy day.

"Okay. This will be a lot of work, but I swear to you, Andrew, I will make this pack a better place to live in."

A sad smile crossed his face, "And what of Kieran?"

Kieran. Even his name sent butterflies raging in my stomach and a stupid smile to take residence upon my face. I was in so deep with that man.

"I can't change his opinion overnight, but changing the state of the pack is something I can do. That will be my first priority, and maybe if Kieran sees I'm capable of taking care of the pack, he will let me take care of him. That's all I want. He is my world."

"You will make a fine Luna, Malia." Andrew smiled, "Come on, I'll introduce you to the pack."

I took a deep breath and followed Andrew out of the room cautiously, making sure the door was shut after me. He led me out to the backyard, where the last of the pack members were gathering. Little kids sat on the ground before the adults and the elderly took chairs off to the side. Tugging on Andrew's shirt, I pulled him off to the side.

"What if they don't believe me? What do I do then?"

Andrew shot a glance to an elderly lady accessorised with multiple bracelets and necklaces. Seer.

"If you're really serious, you can take a blood oath with Cecilia. Then they will definitely believe you. She is the most respected person in the pack; she's been in contact with the Moon Goddess, in the form of visions on multiple occasions."

I nodded, surprised, and looked back at the pack, who were regarding me with curious eyes. "Let's go."

"Members of Scarlet Claw, if I could have your attention." Andrew's voice boomed over the yard, the members of the pack turning to face him. "I would like to introduce someone. Her name is Malia, and she is your future Luna."

Gasps echoes through the people in front of me as I stepped up next to Andrew.

"Thank you. Scarlet Claw, I may be your future Luna, I may not be. That all depends on your Alpha. All of you know he has had a troubled past, something that is a barrier to the fate we have been destined. But, for now, I will fix this pack, and make it one of the strongest in the world. I have grown up alongside my brothers who have just been crowned Alpha. You may know them, Braxton and James Stone." I heard whispers course through the crowd and as I continued the whispers only continued, "Yes. I am the daughter of Jackson, Lucas and Mahayla Stone and I come from Dark Rise pack.

"Together, we will make this pack one of the strongest in the world. We will have an ally with Dark Rise. If you will help me, I can make this better."

I was nervous, was that an alright speech?

Andrew came to stand by my side, "They're talking over mind link; they don't know whether you're legitimately here to help or just to get our already vulnerable information."

I sighed; I knew that this would happen.

I addressed the seer, "Cecilia, would you join me here, please?"

I saw her tilt her head to the side, her eyes burning holes in my soul, and I could feel heat travel through my body before it abruptly stopped. She smiled warmly at me and broke from the crowd, wrapping me in a welcoming hug.

"Thank you, Luna. For saving us." She whispered in my ear, before pulling back, "I know you want a blood oath, but my word will be enough, if you wish."

I shook my head and smiled at her, "Thank you, but I want them to have complete faith in me. The blood oath is the only way to do this."

She nodded and turned to the crowd. "My fellow pack. In light of your unsureness, Malia has requested that she take a blood oath to swear what she has said she will do. Now, Malia, if you will."

Cecilia gestured for me to walk forward and passed me a dagger. I knew how these things worked. I would swear the thing I wanted and make a small cut in my palm. The blood would drip onto the ground and Cecilia would do the same, confirming that what I say binds me to duty until it is fulfilled.

"I swear to you, Scarlet Claw, that I will do whatever I can to make sure that this pack becomes as strong as possible. I swear allegiance to you all, and present my help in times of trouble. I will see through to the building of a better pack life." I cut my palm and let the blood drip onto the ground, watching with fascination as it ran off my hand.

Stepping back, I let Cecilia take her pledge, "As seer of this pack, I will see to it that what Malia has just pledged will come into being. What Malia pledges binds her to a promise, something that she will never be able to break. I thank you, Malia, as does the rest of Scarlet Claw."

She too cut her hand and let the blood drip onto mine and instantly, I felt the ice course through me. I knew then, as Cecilia nodded to me, that it was done. I was bound to help Scarlet Claw until they regained their honour.

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