Chapter 5

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J-Hope was dancing on the dance floor in the club while grinding his body towards a small figure foreigner with red hair. Their body was moving along with the music that banged out loud into their eardrums. J-Hope smiled while squeezing that man's butt. J-Hope pulled that man closer to him. He caught a bright pink of shades on both that man's cheeks. He licked his bottom lips to seduce the man in front of him. The small man put his hand on J-Hope's chest shyly.

J-Hope came closer to kiss that red rosy lips when there was a hand that grabbed his wrist forcefully. He turned with an angry expression to yell at that rude person that disturbed his playtime. His eyes wide opened when he saw Namjoon was holding his wrist tightly.

Namjoon: "Let's go home. Now!"

Namjoon was trying to talk softly so that J-Hope would be willingly to follow him home. J-Hope pulled his wrist off from Namjoon's hand. He ignored the man in front of him and continued to dance. The man in red hair was confused. He didn't want to get involved in lover's quarrel so he tried to back off but J-Hope wrapped his arm around the shorter man and not let him go. J-Hope planted his lips on that man's neck.

Namjoon was boiling deep inside. He is not a person that calm and rational. Most of the time, he is a hot tempered guy. He could only be soft when Hoseok is around him. He never like when someone ignored him when he tried to talk softly. Namjoon tried to cool his head down before he let his voice out once again.

Namjoon: "Let's go home now, J-Hope"

J-Hope didn't move even an inch. He kept planting his lips on the shorter man neck, jawline, and lips. Namjoon almost bursting into anger. The loud music make him to burn more inside. Namjoon was boiling by the pent up anger being ignored. He couldn't keep the anger anymore and started to shout.

Namjoon: "Shut that fucking loud music down!"

J-Hope and all of the peoples in that club jumped in surprised by that shouting voice. The DJ froze before turned the music off. All pairs of eyes now on Namjoon. The loud music was gone and the surrounding was so quiet. Namjoon was glaring to J-Hope with anger. J-Hope gulped in fear. He forgot that Namjoon now was not the same coward from five years ago.

Namjoon: "Home!"

That one word send fear down to J-Hope spine. Namjoon husky low voice was full of anger.

J-Hope walked while stomping his feet like a whining 2 years old kid. Namjoon followed him from behind. J-Hope slammed the car door when he get inside. Namjoon got himself into the car and drove them back home. J-Hope bolted to his room but stopped his track when he heard Namjoon was calling for him.

Namjoon: "We need to talk"

J-hope turned and plopped himself on the couch at the living room. Namjoon sighed.

Namjoon: "Let's make a deal"

J-Hope turned to look at Namjoon while furrowing his brows. Namjoon sighed again.

Namjoon: "Now, you will always exist when the night come and Hoseok will back in the morning. I will not following you around but only if you follow my rules. If you break even one rules, I will then stick to you forever until you gone, understand?"

J-Hope nodded his head and ready to listen to the rules.

Namjoon: "First, I don't care if you want to go to the club or what but you must avoid being in fight. I know you can defences yourself well but I don't want any scratched on Hoseok's body. Just give me a call when you think you are in danger. Next, I don't care if you want to have one night stand, but, you must come back home directly after that. I don't want Hoseok to freak out when he woke up beside someone naked in the next morning. Third, I don't care what you will do at night, but never drink alcohol. I don't want Hoseok to get the effect. Ah! Always use protection because I don't want my brother to get any diseases. Got it?"

J-Hope: "You will not following me start from tomorrow?"

Namjoon nodded before added.

Namjoon: "If you can follow all the rules then I'm keeping my words"

J-Hope smiled with his bright eyes. Ah! The same smile that Hoseok give when he is happy.

Namjoon: "Take this"

He threw a mobile phone on J-Hope laps. J-Hope eyes widen with smile on his lips.

Namjoon: "That is for you. I already put my number and activate the tracker. When you are going out, just bring your phone and left Hoseok's phone."

J-Hope nodded with his thank you before rushed into the room.

Namjoon sighed deeply. Can he deal with that troublemaker?

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