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Chanhee sat at the table looking down at the plate of food then back at Rowoon and back at the food. Rowoon just watched with kind eyes and a small smile on his face. Chanhee started to get nervous as he felt Rowoon staring at him.

"Why are you staring at me?" Chanhee asked with red cheeks.

"Cause I need you to eat," Rowoon told him.

Chanhee looked back at the food, not really wanting to eat at all. He looked at Rowoon again with a head tilt.

"I don't want to," Chanhee said looking a bit frustrated.

Rowoon's eyebrows furrowed as he sat up straight, looking at Chanhee with worry.

Suddenly the door unlocked and swung open. It was the boy's mom.

"Oh, hi Mrs.Kang," Rowoon said with a smile.

"Rowoon please, call me Yoojin," the women said with a sweet smile as she took her coat off. "Did everything go okay?"

"Yeah, we had fun, right Chanhee?" Rowoon questioned as he looked to Chanhee with a worried expression.

"Sure," Chanhee said as he got up from the table and went upstairs.

His mother let out a sigh.

"Has he been like that all day?" she asked as she went to the fridge.

"Yes, I don't know how I can possibly help," Rowoon said sadly.

"He'll come around to you," Yoojin said as she got a glass of water. "He just really needs a friend, I can't risk what happened last time to happen again."

"I know," Rowoon said, feeling pity for the boy. "I'll do my best."


Chanhee came into the classroom, terrified and shaking. He didn't know anyone and he wanted to run and hide. The teacher came up to the frozen boy and greeted him.

"You must be Chanhee," the teacher said with a smile. "My name is Ms.Park."

Chanhee nodded and looked at her a bit uneasily.

"I'll have you sit next to Sanha," the teacher said as she guided him to his seat next to a kid with fluffy light brown hair. He was drawing something, ignoring everything around him. "Sanha this is Chanhee, be nice he's new."

Sanha looked up with wide eyes as a smile appeared on his face.

"Okay," he said as Chanhee sat uneasily next to him.

Chanhee put his bag down as Sanha kept staring at him. Chanhee could feel himself getting more and more nervous, but when he glanced at Sanha again, he went back to drawing.

Chanhee let out a small sigh as he turned his attention to the chalk board. His heart instantly stopped when he couldn't read the words. He started to panic and get shaky. He was so scared the teacher was going to ask him to read it. He looked down and he felt like the desk was moving but it wasn't.

Chanhee stood up quickly and exited the room as fast he could, hearing the calls of the teacher, he never stopped. He didn't dare to stop.


Chanhee got outside behind the school. He leaned against the building and breathed heavily. He tried not to cry about it but he felt so terrible. He didn't know why but he wanted Rowoon with him.


Chanhee looked up to see Rowoon staring at him with confusion. The small boy looked at Rowoon with shock not sure how to respond.

"I didn't know this was your school," Rowoon said.

Chanhee just slid down against the wall, his head down. Now that Rowoon was here he was too scared to say anything.

"Why are you out here?" Rowoon asked as he sat next to Chanhee.

"Why do you care," Chanhee mumbled softly, having his head down.

"Cause," Rowoon started as he leaned his arm against Chanhee. "I care about you Chani."

Chanhee got up and pushed Rowoon off him, looking a bit angry at the latter for some strange reason.

"Shut up," Chanhee told him as he crossed his arms.

"I'm just trying to make you feel better," Rowoon said sadly. He didn't know what to do. He cared about Chanhee so much, maybe a little too much.

"Well stop," Chanhee said, sending a glare to Rowoon. "You'll never make me feel better."

Rowoon just looked down at the boy sadly.

"Fine then," Rowoon said as he got up quickly.

Chanhee's attention shot up towards Rowoon quickly.

"I'll leave," Rowoon said as he shoved his hands into his pants pockets.

Chanhee shot up from his seat and fell into Rowoon, holding tightly to him from the back.

"No, don't," Chanhee whinned as he started to let the tears flow down his cheeks.

Rowoon smirked a bit, knowing that Chanhee's acting tough was just a bluff.

"Okay," Rowoon said. "I won't leave you Chani."

Chanhee just sniffles as he clung to Rowoon tighter, not worried about the fact he called him Chani. He was starting to like it.


"Hey Chanhee!"

Chanhee turned around in the hall. It was lunch now and the small boy was just looking for his safety, Rowoon.

It was the boy he sat next to earlier, Sanha.

"Why'd you run out of class earlier?" Sanha asked with a confused look, as he rested his arm on Chanhee's shoulder, him being much taller the poor boy.

"I wanted to," Chanhee answered, too embarrassed to tell the truth. He brushed Sanha off him and started to walk away quickly.

"Was it cause you're gay?" Sanha asked being very interested in the boy as he followed him.

"What?" Chanhee questioned, stopping in his tracks.

"Mina said you were gay and that's why you left," Sanha explained.

"What? No, why would-" Chanhee started but stopped, being too annoyed with Sanha to care enough. He continued to walk quickly.

"Wait, but are you?" Sanha asked, continuing to bother Chanhee.

"Am I what?"


Chanhee stopped in his tracks again and turned to face Sanha.

"Does it matter?" He asked rather angrily. "Just leave me the fuck alone."


Chanhee turned behind him to see Rowoon standing there, his breathing was heavy and he looked worried.

"Rowoon?" Chanhee questioned, feeling a little over whelmed when he looked at the posters in the hall, getting confused with the characters.

"Hey, it's okay," Rowoon said, putting a hand on Chanhee's shoulder, knowing the boy was upset.

Chanhee just let out a sigh as he fell into Rowoon's arms, not caring that Sanha was still there.

Chanhee always felt safe in Rowoon's arms. Always.

*I'm so sorry Kookangs, im trying really hard to update but I'm finding like no time what so ever but I hope it was pretty cute.*


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