Chapter three: (flashback) birth of death part 1

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-20th ward, eight years ago-

"Oi Hanzo!" Touka called, the blue-haired ghoul had been trying and failing to wake up her roommate. Needless to say she was losing her temper. When Hanzo finally woke up, he had a sheepish grin on. "Sorry Touka, had a long night." He said, Touka's glare softened. "Dammit, why can I not stay mad at you?" She asked, "Because I'm a likable guy, who's not afraid to get his hands bloody." Hanzo answered cheerfully, "Welp, I better get dressed, uh, you change first, I'll wait." Touka entered the restroom of her and Hanzo's shared room, Hanzo then smelled something nasty and looked inside the fridge, he sighed. "Oh, for the love of God." He whispered, "Touka! I thought I told you to stop eating human food! You're going to make yourself sick!" "Shut up Hanzo!" Touka shouted back, when she left the restroom, Hanzo changed into his work uniform, and headed downstairs.

-Timeskip two weeks later-

"What do you mean you're leaving!?" Hanzo yelled, "What do you think Touka's gonna say, when she finds out you're going to be in league with murderers and fucking psychos, I mean what the hell Ayato!?" "I'm not looking for your approval Hanzo!" Ayato yelled back, "I'm tired of being to weak to do anything, I can't even help my sister fight!" (Jeez, someone's wants attention and strength...) Hanzo thought, "Listen to me Ayato, you go down this path, there ain't no comin' back, you'll harm Touka more then you'll protect me, I know." "What would you know!?" Ayato shouted, "The only thing saving you right now Hanzo, is that Touka trusts you, and you're close to her...otherwise I'd kill you where you-" he was cut off by a red Bikaku pointed at his throat. "Try it Kirishima, you'd be dead in a second." Hanzo said darkly, "Get out, and for your sake Ayato, I better not see you again."

-Timeskip three months later-

Darkness and pain...that's all Hanzo saw and felt, "Catching wasn't as easy as Mado said it would be...Crow." "So...come to cut me up some more, Ignis?" Hanzo said, his voice worn from all the screaming he did while being tortured...and experimented on. "Oh sooo much better than that." Ignis said grinning sadistically, "You're a Sadist right?" Hanzo questioned, Ignis chuckled evilly as he pulled out a King cobra, Hanzo stiffened, he was deathly afraid of snakes. "Get that thing away from me!" He said hoarsely, "Why, it can't kill you right?" Ignis asked, as he threw the cobra at Hanzo, the entire prison was filled with screams.


(Hanzo...) Touka thought, she had been crying for months when she saw Hanzo get dragged away by Doves, going to God knows where. Her eyes were still puffy from her tears. (Where are you? This place feels so empty without you...)

-Timeskip six years later-

"Ah, my favorite torture doll." Ignis said happily, no response. "Oh? Giving me the cold shoulder Hanzo?" "You know..." Hanzo said, "Six years is a long time to keep someone here, just to torture them to near-death and experiment on them...but our time is up Ignis, only one of us is leaving this cell...alive." Ignis started laughing as if he heard the funniest joke in his life. "You're a real laugh-riot Hanzo, y'know that?" He said before pulling out a katana like Quinque. Swinging it down, however the weapon only met wood, as Hanzo appeared behind his torturer and wrapped his shackles around the mans neck. "You're to slow human..." Hanzo whispered before judo throwing Ignis at the back wall. Breaking his binds in the process. Hanzo then wiped blood off his mouth. "Nasty..." Hanzo said, Ignis was confused, before his shoulder started shooting out blood. Causing him to go wide-eyed as he looked at his new bite wound. (He bit me!?) Ignis thought, "When was the last time you bathed, because you taste horrible, like rotten eggs and and moldy pasta..." Hanzo described, he then sprinted forward and jumpkicked Ignis but the Investigator grabbed the ghouls leg. "I'm not letting go!" He said, "Hmph..." was Hanzos reply, before he twisted his leg all kinds of wrong and kicked Ignis in the side of his head. The leg then spun like a top and healed itself. "You really think after what you put me through..." Hanzo started, "That sonething like that hurts?" Hanzos kakugan activated as his bikaku unsheathed, it was now covered in chitin, its blade looked sharper and made for reaping lives, and taking heads. "It seems your experiments...whatever they were, had some side effects..." Hanzo said, "They've mutated my kagune, my healing, and my metabolism it feels like, I'm not all that hungry...doesn't mean I won't devour you Dove." Hanzos bikaku then pointed itself at Ignis. "HANZOOOOOO!!!!" Ignis screamed, the two then charged and clashed, Hanzo using his new mutations to his advantage, after a few attacks Hanzo cut off Ignis's swordarm, causing the human to scream in agony, blood sprayed everywhere, as Hanzo jumped up and slammed his Bikaku into Ignis, flooring him. "I told you Ignis..." Hanzo said, "Only one of us would leave this cell alive." "H-how d-did you u-unsheath your k-kagune?" Ignis asked, "Six years under your R.C. Cell suppressants left me immune to it, hmm...sounds like the prisonbreak's started..." Hanzo turned to his broken and beaten captor. "I'll be what this city needs, its harbinger of fear, its executioner, its headsmen...its Angel of Death." He then killed Ignis, ate what he needed, and broke down his cell door. "In order to do so however..." he monologued turning to the other ghoul prisoners. "I must become much stronger...I must be a Kakuja." Hanzo then rushed at the ghouls...and began tearing them apart, tearing flesh from bone, as the ghouls screamed in pain and horror, Hanzo grabbed one and bit off his ear, before tearing out his throat, gradually the blood freezing screaming got quieter until it stopped completely. Standing in the center of an entire cellblock of Aogiri ghoul P.O.Ws was Hanzo, feasting on the flesh of the ghouls he killed, his body with the exception of his mouth, was covered in a chitiness shell, he had become a Kakuja...Hanzo Yoshimura had been reborn as...the Angel of Death.

Without a doubt the darkest Chapter I think I've written. As always comment rate and leave advice so I can improve, next time, Hanzo fights his way out of the CCG prison by killing anything that gets in his way...

(This is what describes Hanzo, in a more violent way then I can put into words.)

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