Chapter 2.5 (flashback) hunting a Lantern part 2

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(Well I tend to put an undertale song or two in my stories, so this was bound to happen. The picture in the song shows what Hanzo's kakuja looks like in this flashback, minus the horns. Anyway enjoy!)

(Ps: if no-one has read Demitale yet, I recommend you do it's badass.)

-two weeks later-

(Two damn weeks and not a single lead on Jack!) Hanzo yelled in his thoughts, currently he was standing an abandoned church. It became clear to Hanzo that the 'Lantern' ghoul was quite elusive after the first week. Needless to say Hanzo was running out of patience and he was pissed, the church door opened and Hanzo recognized the scent, it belonged to Fura. "I see you got my message, welcome to my temporary abode..." he said, Fura looked around and saw the person who claimed he knew him. "Who the hell are you?" Fura asked, "I thought the Angel would be here." Hanzo lightly chuckled then turned around, and flashed his kakugan and bikaku. Fura staggered back clearly not expecting the revelation. "I am the Angel..." he said darkly, " doubt you have questions, so...ask 'em." Fura first question was the one everyone asked someone they didn't know. "Who the hell are you!?" He shouted, "Who I am isn't important..." Hanzo said, "But given our surroundings, you can call me Church." Fura raised an eyebrow. "Okay Church, so why'd you bring me here?" Fura asked, 'Church' walked towards the human and stood in front of him. "I'm looking for our pumpkin masked friend...Lantern, y'see she did something pretty fucking stupid." Church said (we'll call Hanzo Church for now...also RvB fans anyone?) "'She'?" Fura asked, confused. "Not all ghouls that hunt humans are males." Church replied slightly annoyed, "Some of the more dangerous ghouls, like the Rabbit, Binge eater, and Black Doberman, are females." Fura nodded signifying he understood, Church then continued. "Anyway, she hurt my sister pretty bad, and that's enough reason for me to kill her." He said angrily, "Family's important to me...oh condolences about your friends, must've been rough..." Fura clenched his fist frustration setting in. Church saw this and could tell what he wanted to do. "You got fire in your eyes kid..." he commented, "I respect that, must be one of your positive traits." Fura looked up at the ghoul in front of him, "I want that bitch dead, but I'm sick of being useless..." he seethed, Church smirked, "Then our interests align." He said, (For now...) he finished in thought,

-Later that night: rooftop of a barbershop-

"How can you see anyone up here, there're a lot of better places to scout." Fura said, Church sighed, "I told you...ghoul senses are alot higher than a human's." He said, his kakuja was on, the bone like armor was imposing. "And we're here tracking a ghoul that's been on my list for some time, so I can't lose him." Church's arms were crossed and his trenchcoat was flowing in the wind. Then the two unlikely partners heard a scream, "That's our cue, get on!" Church ordered, Fura did so, and Church jumped, a few seconds later he landed and Fura sprinted forward. Church grabbed the airborne schoolgirl while Fura whacked the ghoul across the head with a bat. " leave the rest to me." Church said, "What why!?" Fura asked, "You don't have a quinque for one...a normal weapon won't do shit to a ghoul." Church said, "Besides...I can't fight and protect the girl, at the same time." Fura nodded and went to check on the girl while the Angel of Death got into a fighting position, "Show me what you've got, and try to make this interesting, hm?" Church said coldly, (It's like he's a whole 'nother person now...) Fura thought, as the two ghouls were ready to tear each other's throats out, the ghoul primed his ukaku and fired it's needles at Church who stomped up a peice of concrete and used it as a shield. Church then rushed the ghoul who switched to melee, Church just evaded most of the strikes and blocked a few, knowing his kakuja could take it, the ghoul was now panting, tired from the prolonged fight. "My turn..." Church said menacingly, unsheathing his bikaku as the tail like kagune moved around the scythe like blade poised to kill. the Angel of Death then charged forward blocking a few kagune needles, before slashing the ghoul's back, severing the kagune from the sacs. The ghoul yelled in pain before seeing the bikaku going for his neck. The ghoul was then decapitated, the head flying up dead eyes looking at a headless body. "Target eliminated, bring the girl we're leaving."

Hope you liked it, as always comment rate and leave advice so I can improve
Next part coming soon!

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