Chapter one Rize vs Hanzo

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-20th ward-

[Meanwhile the 20th ward's Angel of Death was seen again late last night. The body of a ghoul was found and I quote 'Flayed and mutilated' with its kagune sacs removed. Why the Angel did this is unknown...nevertheless the CCG has asked everyone to stay indoors during the night, until the ghoul is caught. And now a look at weather.] The reporter on the cafe's tv announced, Anteiku, it was a bit busier then usual. One of the servers wore a subtle smirk when the report on the Angel of Death ended. "I'm telling you man, the Angel is trouble! I mean, what ghoul in their right mind saves humans?" Said a rather irritating voice, the server walked to them and asked what they wanted. "So...what'll you two be ordering today?" He asked calmly, the two looked at him obviously startled by him, "GAH! Jeez man, you scared the crap out of us." The orange haired boy exclaimed, the boy with the bob cut answered the server's question. "One latte and a black coffee please." He asked, "Names?" The server asked, "Kaneki and Hide." Kaneki requested, the server wrote their names down. "Kaneki and Hide... alright it'll be out shortly, if you need anything just give me a holler, name's Hanzo Yoshimura." Hanzo introduced himself, he then turned to a female server around his age. "Oi Touka! Break's over, get over here!" Touka grumbled before standing up and getting back to work, Hanzo rolled his eyes before heading over to her. "Are you alright? You look like shit..." he whispered, "I'm fine." Touka spat before almost collapsing onto the floor, had Hanzo not steadied her. "Uh-huh sure..." he snarked, "Go up stairs and get some food and some rest, in fact take the rest of the day off you're clearly not well..." "I ca-" Touka began but was silenced by Hanzo raising his hand as a nonverbal 'I insist' "Touka.." he started, "I've seen what happens to a ghoul who actively eats human food, they kill themselves, and before you say otherwise, it doesn't matter how tough you are...human food will kill you, go upstairs, get a flesh pack, eat it then rest, I can handle two shifts." "Like you handled Jack?" Touka said teasingly, "Very funny Kirishima..." Hanzo said with a deadpanned expression, he then walked over to the counter and prepared the orders he and Touka had. (This is going to be a while...) he thought,

-Timeskip: brought to you by Mordecai-

On the rooftops of Tokyo a figure knelt, he had spotted a human and a ghoul walking into a dark alley. (This won't end well...) the figure thought, he then followed them, while he couldn't hear what the two were saying, he recognized them. Rize the 'Binge eater' and the human he served earlier today. (Kaneki? What have you gotten yourself into...) the figure thought, the actions of Rize and Kaneki's shocked and scared expression, were enough to tell the ghoul what was going on. He turned to walk away but stopped, he didn't care about the human, hell he barely knew the kid. But he couldn't just leave him to be Rize's next victim, the Angel growled in frustration. (Damn it...I better not regret saving this waste of skin.) He thought as he turned back around to see Kaneki out cold and bleeding out. It was now or never, he jumped, his bikaku emerging from his lower back, landing in front of Rize who was going for the kill. She stopped in her tracks as she came face-to-face with the living nightmare of any ghoul who overhunts. And she was at the top of that long list. "You've overstayed your welcome Rize..." the Angel said coldly, Rize's kagune was unsheathed as she prepared for a fight she couldn't possibly win. "So the Angel of Death has payed me a-" she was suddenly cut off when Hanzo swung his bikaku slamming into Rize, sending her sliding backwards, he caught up rather fast and delivered a bone-crushing punch, causing Rize to puke out blood. The Angel then threw the binge eater into the air, before jumping up and landing a devastating hammerfist onto Rize's back sending her back to earth. Rize was slow to get up, as she turned her gaze to the demon of a ghoul in front of her, she saw that the title of 'Angel of Death' was accurate. In a desperate attempt to save herself she lashed out with her rinkaku. "Stupid and obvious..." her foe said sounding...bored? Yes the Angel of Death was bored. grabbing the tendril and proceeded to cut it off using the palm of his left hand, needless to say it hurt like a bitch. As Rize howled in pain, now frantically trying to escape by crippling her assailant in any way. Hanzo cut off another of Rize's tendrils using a karate chop to yank it off. This repeated until Rize was literally trying to crawl away. "I warned you not to overhunt, but you didn't listen..." Hanzo said angrily, "I can expect a few doves and some Aogiri goons to show up later..." he then heard creaking...above him. Back-stepping the falling steel beams that landed on Rize...crushing her, "You...(death noise)" Rize gagged out before her last breath left her. Hanzo felt a bit bad for the binge eater. "Damn...bad way to go..." he said to himself, turning to Kaneki he heard footsteps bearing a familiar scent. "Touka call the hospital! this kid ain't gonna last much longer!" Hanzo ordered, Touka nodded and called an ambulance afterwards both ghouls disappeared.

Welp that's all she wrote. Comment and rate fairly and leave advice so I can improve next time Kaneki sees the real Anteiku and is given a choice...

(When wearing his kakuja Hanzo sounds like a more growlish Makuta Teradax from the Bionicle series.)

Tokyo Ghoul: the Angel of Death (Touka x OC)Where stories live. Discover now