Special ability

718 23 11

(Y/n) = your name
(C/n) = crush name
(E/n) = enemy name
(F/n) = friend name

Requested by: LunaMaye06

You were a special child. A really special one. You had ability that no one could do.

Read minds.

You could read minds. Sometimes they're weird, creepy, funny, or perverted thoughts.

You were three years old when you realized what you had.

Right now, you're five years old. You're at school, clutching on your small stuffed giraffe animal. You heard many thoughts. You could turn off and on with your ability, but right now you're learning.

"Hi! My name is (e/n)!" You smiled weakly at her/him and said, "h-hello." She/he smiled and heard her/him think, "oh! She/he has a giraffe! I want it!"

You held out your giraffe and said, "you could hold it if you want." She/he grinned and grabbed it. "It's so soft!" She/he squealed with delight.

"I want to steal it. Maybe later when she/he isn't looking." (E/n) thought. You gasped and said, "you can't take my giraffe! My grandma gave it to me!"

(E/n) tilted her/his in confusion and said, "what?" You snatched your giraffe back and walked away.


"I'm Mrs. Rose and I'm your kindergarten teacher! Are you guys nervous?" You and everyone else nodded. Your teacher seemed so young and nice.

"Don't worry, I'm here for you." She smile true brightest.

"She's pretty. I wanna marry her." You heard a girl think. You looked at your right and saw a girl looking at the teacher as if she was a candy that the little girl always wanted.

I didn't know that... you thought.


You were sitting down in the bench, playing with your giraffe. Then you heard a 'ahem' and you looked up. It was (e/n) and other girls/boys. "This is her/him?" A girl/guy asked. (E/n) nodded. You were confused.

"You stole our friend's giraffe." One girl/guy said. You looked at your giraffe and said, "it's mine." They didn't stop there. They started to say mean things to you and pushed you around.

Then one girl/boy grabbed your giraffe. "What a weirdo." "She/he looks ugly when she/he cries." "I like her/his giraffe."

"STOP IT!" You screamed. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at you. "I am not weird! It's my giraffe and I own it! And I am not ugly!" You stood up for yourself and pushed one of the girls/guys. The girl/guy fell back hard and you heard a bone crack. Then she/he started screaming and crying.


You were looking at your mom and Dad. You were outside the office, kicking your legs, and hugging your giraffe. You saw them looking worried. Your mom looked back at you and frowned. You smiled back, but she looked away. You sniffed and held your giraffe.

One day, you work up late.

"Mommy! Daddy!" You yelled. It was early in the morning, and you heard a door slam. You got off your bed and looked around. There was no sign of your parents at all. You waited seconds, and those seconds turned into minutes. Those minutes turned into hours. Until night, you were crying and starving. Then you heard the front door open. You looked and saw your grandpa.

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