Joking around

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(Y/n) = your name
(C/n) = crush name
(B/f/n) = best friend's name
(C/f/n) = crush friend's name

You and your friends, (c/n), (c/f/n), and (b/f/n) were at your local woods/forest.

You were unpacking everything. You groaned and said, "help!" Then someone grabbed the tent. "Leave the big stuff to us!" You heard (c/f/n). You laughed and said, "sure big boy/girl." Then you left.

Minutes later, you guy were sitting on logs. "Hey.." you heard (c/n). "Yeah?" You guys asked him/her.

"Rumor has it... that this place is haunted." Then you heard your bestest friend say, "w-what?" (C/n) nodded his/her head. "At a certain time, a man whose headless on a horse comes out around at night." You felt (b/f/n) grabbing your arm. "He's/she's joking." You told (b/f/n).

But (c/f/n) being a total asshole, grabbed a bucket full of water and throwing it to the fire. You and (b/f/n) jumped. Then they laughed and ran.

You're best friend is tough as hell, but, this time she/he was scared. "(Y-y/n) uh w-we should go find them." (B/f/n) said.

"Alright, let's go." You grabbed a flashlight and started to walk deep into the woods/forest.

"(C/n)! (C/f/n)!" You yelled. "Don't yell, the headless man will hear you!" (B/f/n) yelled. "Shh! He'll hear you if you stop yelling." Then you fell. You screamed, rolling down a hill. "(Y/n)!" (B/f/n) yelled. You stopped and looked around. You touched your front forehead, only for it to sting. "Shit." You felt you 'liquid' going down your face.

You knew it was blood. "Ugh, everything hurts." You had scratches everywhere, your hair all over your face, had little holes in your shirt/hoodie/ and pants/shorts, and dirt on you.

If anyone saw you, they'll run. (*Wink*, do you know what'll happen?)

You bent down to grab the flashlight, only find the batteries gone.

Ugh, you're kidding! I'm so not gonna look for them. You thought. "I'll be back (b/f/n)! Stay at the camp!" You told her/him. "Okay!" She/he yelled. You sighed and started to look for them.

"Where the hell could they be?" You asked yourself. Then you heard giggling. You raised a brow and walked carefully to the giggles.

You were behind a tree and saw (c/n) and (c/f/n) talking. "We go back to camp and scare them." You saw they had a little pony.

Wtf? Where'd they get that little pony!? You thought.

"With this pony we stole?"

Omg, you gotta be kidding! You thought.

"Yeah, let's go?" (C/n) asked.

You smirked. You went behind them, creeping carefully.

You poked their shoulders. They turned around and screamed. Then (c/f/n) left running, screaming his/her lungs out. (C/n) walked back slowly.

He/she took out his/her flashlight and saw it was you. "(Y/n)? What happened!" He/she ran to you. "I fell down a hill, full of branches and rocks, so I cut myself." You said as if that was causal to do. "And your friend?" "At camp."

"Let's take you back, does everything hurt?"

"Oh, all this? No, I feel so fine, that I didn't even get a little scratch." You said sarcastically. Then you snarled at him/her. "I'm sorry, let's take you back." (C/n) put you on the small pony. "You sure about this?" You asked. "Yes." You shrugged.

You guys were at camp and saw (b/f/n) sleeping in her/his sleeping bag and (c/f/n) hugging his/her knee, rocking back and forth. He/she looked up and screamed, ready to get up. "It's (y/n) she hurt herself badly." (C/n) told (c/f/n). "R-really?" You nodded. Then he/she fainted. "Is (c/f/n) really scared?" You asked (c/n). "Yes, yes he/she is." You laughed. "Let's fix you up."

You had your clothes off and had (c/n) hoodie. It was so big, that it covered your knees. You saw (c/n) staring at you. "You like this?" You said jokingly and posed. "Yes." You stopped and looked at him/her. "O-oh." "Wanna go out on a date with me? After this though?" (C/n) asked. "I-okay." You blushed and hugged him/her. "Good." You heard (c/n) sigh.

A/n: sorry I haven't updated this for a while but we got 2k reads! Yayayay, damn I'm happy for all of you who's reading this! *cries* thank you all! And thank you guys who votes for this too! Love all of you! Thank you so much! :) have a great day/night whatever time you're living in! :)

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