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(Y/n) = your and
(C/n) = crush name
(F/n) = friend name
(C/f) = crush friend name
(B/m) = birth month
(B/d) = birthday
(Y/a) = your age

Ugh, why did I wake up? You thought.

You woke up a bit earlier than any other day. You ran your fingers through your hair and looked at your desktop across from you. There was a clock that read:

5:45 AM

"I woke up too early!" You groaned and laid back down. You stared at your ceiling and had thoughts.

I feel like I'm forgetting something.. what's today?.... of shit! It's my birthday!

You stood up and felt excited.

"Man! I'm (y/a)! I've been living in this world for (y/a)." You said in disbelief tone. You grabbed your phone, which was next you, and looked through it.

Normally, when it's your birthday, every friend of yours, and crush, would always say happy birthday to you at twelve o'clock at night. But there wasn't.

"Did they... forget my birthday? Nah.. probably when to sleep early." You shrugged it off and scrolled through Instagram.


You woke up again. The sun hitting your face. "Ugh." You grabbed your phone. It was 7:02 AM.

"Oh shit!" You jumped up and dressed. You brushed/comb your hair, got into your jeans, t-shirt, and (brand shoes).

You were gonna be late for school. You woke your mom/dad up to take you.

"Mom/dad..." you shook them. "Mhm." She/he groaned. "I'm late. I need to go to school. And my car (if you're old enough to drive lol) broke down. And the bus left like half an hour ago!" Then your mom/dad woke up. "Okay... let's go." She/he mumbled.

No happy birthday? You thought as your mom/dad passed you.


You were at school. The bell still hasn't rung. You saw (f/n), (c/n), and (c/f). You smiled and went up to them. "Hey guys." You said, standing next to (f/n).

"Oh hey/sup/hi." They all said unison. You frowned a bit and covered it up with a smile. "So, you know what's today?" You asked them.

"Uh, (your birth date)?" (C/f) said confused. "Actually it's-" then the bell rang. "Sorry (y/n). We have to go to class. We don't wanna be late." (C/n) gave you an apologetic smile. "It's okay. Bye guys." You said and walked to your first period.


Throughout the day, no one bothered to say happy birthday to you. You sighed and slumped down on your chair. You tapped your pencil on your desk and hummed happy birthday to yourself.

"Okay, today we have a test!" Your teacher said happily. Everyone groaned, including you.

"Here, pass it down." Your teacher said, putting the tests in front of you. You sighed and sat up straight, grabbed a test, and passed it down.

"Okay, once you got your test, start." Your teacher said sitting down on her desk.


"Hey (y/n)!" You heard (f/n). You turned around and saw her/him coming up to you. "Hey, what's up?" You asked. "The sky." You chuckled at her/his response and shook your head. "Haha, I'm just kidding," she/he said, punching your shoulder. You smiled at her/him and said "what happened?" She/he gave you a smile. "Can you do me a favor?" You nodded.

"Okay," she/he took a piece of paper out of her/his backpack. "Can you go to this store and buy me this ring? I'll give you the money. Hold on." She/he took out a hundred dollars out. "Woah! How much does this ring cost?" You asks. She/he smiled up at you and said, "a hundred and ten." You were shocked that a small, silver ring would cost that much. "Why?" You asked, as soon she/he handed you the money.

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