Chapter 30: At Last

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I barely give Kili time to react before flying into his arms. He stumbles back slightly, but catches himself against the door frame with one hand, the other wrapping around my waist securely. Both arms tighten around me the instant his balance is back.

"You, you were-" he stutters.

"I promised I would return, and I did." I mumble, though I am not even sure if Kili could hear me; my voice being muffled from being tucked against his shoulder.

"How did you do it though?" he asks, pulling away just far enough to gauge my expression. His eyes are searching my own, disbelief written all over his face. "I saw you- you were dead. I was the one that found your body in the caves. You were lying right next to the Balrog with blood everywhere; you couldn't have survived those injuries.  I mean, you didn't.  You had died."

At the mention of the blood, my hand almost subconsciously reaches up to my hairline in search of an injury. I remember a sharp pain in my head before I fell unconscious, but now I feel nothing but smooth skin though. How can I remember having injuries, but not feel pain from them, or even feel anything where the scars should be?

"I honestly have no idea, Kili. I remember killing that balrog and then falling unconscious, and the next thing I know I woke up lying on top of a tomb. That's when I began searching for someone familiar, but all of the halls I had been walking down were empty; I almost had myself convinced I was a ghost." I roll my eyes in a self depricating manner, thinking back on how foolish I had acted in my panic.

There is still so much that I don't know, so much I need to find out. The worst part is that I have no idea who to ask about any of it; who would know?

Kili doesn't, none of the others do. None of them could, but there must be someone that has the answers I need.

Right now though, I think I can put that on hold. "Can I be honest with you?" I whisper, leaning in to rest my forehead against Kili's.  I can feel my heartrate pick up and a blush beginning to rise to my cheeks, but I try to ignore it.

I hear his breath catch slightly and I smile, biting my lip. Then, before I can lose the courage to, I lean in and press my lips to his.  I pull away more quickly than I really want to, and almost laugh at his shocked expression.

"I've wanted to do that since I've woken up." I breathe, placing a hand against his cheek. "I- I wasn't sure I would ever see you again, to be honest. I was afraid that cave was going to be the last thing I saw."

"Well it wasn't; you made it, as impossible as that seems." Kili smiles then, really smiles. A wide grin that stretches across his entire face. And then he leans in.

His lips were soft on mine,almost hesitant. The thought made me smile slightly. There is a passion behind it, a deep rooted longing, but at the same time so innocent and naive. My hands come to rest gently around his neck, pulling him closer to me, wanting more.  

In that moment, everything just seems to fall away; it's perfect, and for a short time, nothing else really matters but the two of us.

It's almost embarrassing to admit this is the first time I truly grasp the extent of how much people care about me.  I am lucky to have so many wonderful, loving people in my life, but until now it's never really struck me how deep that bond runs between us.

Right now things are crazy, hectic, and I'm not sure what to do, but I do know that I have a family I can rely on, even if we aren't related by blood.  They're the people I will fight for, and continue fighting for, because they are the ones who would do the same for me. And that's what it means to be a family.


I would really love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this chapter! I take into account everything you guys write in the comments for me.  Also, a heads up that there will be more chapters, so stay tuned please. This isn't the end just yet!

Thanks! -El


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