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Your POV
So me and Matt went on a plane that took us to California!🎀I got off and texted my good friend, JoJo Siwa!
Phone convo
You-hello JoJo!🎀🎀

J🎀J🎀- hi! Did u land yet??

You-yea can't wait 2see u! Where r u?

J🎀J🎀- here waiting 4 u! Hurry!! Please!

You- coming now! 🎀🎀✌👋

End of phone convo

Me and Matt went to go to JoJo. We found her and I gave her a huge hug. Matt stood there on his phone! I grabbed it out of his hands and he looked at me and then said oh and hugged JoJo. He then asked if he could have his phone back and I said sure but I caught a glimpse of what the texts were. They were to Ivey Meeks another good friend. Ivey was saying that she missed him. And he said he would be back soon and he called her babe. He only calls me babe. But I acted as if nothing happened. Me and JoJo took a pic and I sent to a fan that had Snapchated me. We all went to JoJos house. She showed us around. I went to my room and unpacked. Then JoJo came in with Matt.

JoJo-wanna meet someone?


I went into JoJos living room and there stood the one and only Johnny Orlando!

You- Johnny!! Omg!

Johnny- hey!

I gave him a huge hug and introduced him to Matt. He said hi. Then Lauren and Mackenzie came in and I gave them each a hug.

I went on musical. Ly and me and Lauren did one. As soon as I posted it got 50 likes!

Matt's POV

We landed in California and met up with JoJo. We went to JoJo's house and unpacked then I met Johnny and Lauren Orlando and MacKenzie Ziegler. Then y/n and Lauren did a Then y/n went live on Facebook.

Y/n-Hi guys so I'm going live and I'm here with JoJo, MattyBraps, Johnny, Lauren and Kenzie!

Kenzie- hey

Lauren- wassup!


Y/n-and thank you @Mark.Thomas for the nice comment and Jenzie is not real!(I'm making up usernames)

Kenzie- yea no we are not together

Johnny-*frowns* oh

Lauren- but he does have a crush on*Johnny covers mouth*

Johnny- no I told you no telling! I'm going to, just not now!

JoJo- so @Gracie$Haschack you think you know y/n! Well what's her first pets name?

Y/n-oh no!

JoJo- it was Matthew

Matt- it was?!?

Y/n- yea! Jojo I'm gonna get you for that!

Johnny- y/n sing Everything by Johnny Orlando! One of the comments!

Y/n- fine!!
Yeah,I see your picture every day and it hurts
You settle for second when I put you first
So,girl,pick your head up
You deserve more than you know
Believe when I tell you
You're so beautiful

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