Broken Laptop

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My laptop experienced a completely unexpected hardware failure last weekend. It was just a few months old. It hadn't been showing any signs of trouble, and I didn't do a single thing that would have damaged it. I left it sitting on a table in my apartment, and when I came back it was dead.

I thought that it had gone to sleep, but nothing that I did would wake it up. I tried everything I could before going to the manufacturer's website to report the problem. I followed the instructions they gave me. Still nothing. They asked me to ship it to them.

I knew my warranty should cover any repairs, but I had hoped there was some local store or repair shop where I could take it. I didn't know I would have to package it up and mail it to the other end of the country.

It took me forever just to find a shipping box. In the end, I had to buy one that was far too big and cut it down to size. It was still too big then, but it was at least manageable. Lesson learned: keep the original box no matter how small your apartment is.

Then I had to find a way to print the label and packing slip they emailed me. Who knew printing something would be difficult without a functioning computer to print it from, right? Thank goodness for libraries, but all of this plus having to go to work for the better part of when the post office and library are open (and neither are on Sunday) meant three days before I sent it off.

And the repair tracking website tells me it still hasn't arrived yet.

I am facing down a weekend without a laptop. Just me, alone in my apartment, not able to type up chapters or chat with my friends in the GRA or with my real life friend I've started keeping in touch with that way.

I feel really sad. I am so reliant on being able to communicate and express myself through my laptop that I feel as though I'm almost not myself without it.

I'm so much better online than I am in person that it's not even funny. On Wattpad, I'll strike up a friendly conversation with the person who just messaged me. I'll give a warm welcome to the newest member of the GRA. I'll joke around and be a bit sarcastic. I can't do any of those things in person. At least not easily.

I tell people that I write better than I speak. Anyone who knows both my speaking and my writing will easily agree. Writing isn't just something I enjoy; it's my best method of communication. Sometimes it's the only way that I feel even somewhat understood.

I'm glad that I at least have my tablet, even though tapping out letter by letter with my pointer finger is slow and tiring and the autocorrect drives me nuts. At least I can write this short chapter and tell you all that it's going to be a while before my repairs are done and the manufacturers ship my laptop back to me. 

I can only hope it comes back to me with all my files intact because, while I have a backup hard drive, it had been a while since I last saved to it. And I can only hope it's back before I actually need it for work. Because that's a thing as well.

Poor little laptop. I miss you. :(

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