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I got tagged by NaivEevee to do another challenge. The point is to find the earliest piece of writing possible and type it up. Since mine is, in fact, handwritten from a time long before I had access to a computer, I will also be displaying a picture of it below.

Eve picked a piece of a story she wrote in about third grade, but I knew right away that I had some masterpieces stored away in my bookshelf that date from far earlier than that. Like any good budding author, I was writing my stories in notebooks from a very early age, where they could be safely kept forever like the masterpieces they clearly were. I even decorated the cover with a proper title: "[My name]'s Book", plus bonus pictures of balloons and hearts.

The subtitle of the first intelligible section is "My book of rimes", and it clearly states that it was written by me "in dec. 24" of the year when I was seven years old. Top notch already. Clearly, I was a child genius.

So the text reads: "A cat said to a bat that was out side. did you here of that sad bad Dad. I dut it said the cat. He was haf sad and haf bad. We mast do samptig abot it said the cat. but wen they tride they mist him. Wut cud be ron. We ned a trap! and asaoun as they hid they herd snap! they did it!"

One sentence summary: Clearly I had much to learn about capitalization, punctuation, and especially the proper way to spell, but at least I showed some promise in the field of bad inline rhyming.

For those who require a translation, it might help to say that I was spelling the words based on how they sounded, which might actually tell you a bit about my accent as well. Regardless, here is the translation for those who don't want to miss out on all the sweet, sweet action.

A cat said to a bat that was outside: "Did you hear of that sad, bad Dad?"

"I doubt it," said the cat.

"He was half sad and half bad."

"We must do something about it," said the cat, but, when they tried, they missed him.

What could be wrong?

"We need a trap!"

And as soon as they hid, they heard "snap!" They did it!

And as soon as they hid, they heard "snap!" They did it!

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Above is the picture. Apart from those disconnected "a"s, I actually think my penmanship was better then! XD

Anyone who's reading this and wants to get in on the fun can feel free to do so. Say I tagged you if you want.

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