What I've Been Up To

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It's been a while since I've posted anything, so I thought I'd just give a bit of an update.

One thing I've been working on is filling new positions for the GRA. We just got two new members, and we have one more opening that we're currently accepting applications for. So I've been making the applications, writing the announcements, discussing applications with members, helping new members get oriented, updating the profile accordingly, etc.

I've also been working on the latest review for the GRA, which should be published a bit later this month. This is why my other reviews have been on hold, although it also has a bit to do with how I've been feeling lately. I hate to write reviews when I'm in a bad mood because I feel that it will make me more negative and be really unfair to the authors. I will get to them eventually, though.

For writing, I've got a good start on a rewrite of Getting Out of Fuchsia. I haven't been publishing any of it yet because I want to write the entire thing and polish it up as nicely as I can first. This means that I'll definitely be sticking to a regular updating schedule once I do start publishing it, but I'm not sure yet when that will be. I plan to keep the original on my profile for anyone who really enjoys it. I'm not sure yet whether I'm going to look for a new cover for the rewrite. It would help to differentiate the new from the old, but I honestly don't know what I would even look for in a new cover or who I would ask to make one.

I've also been spending some time writing a "real" book -- a sci fi/fantasy YA novel. We'll see how that goes. I doubt I will be publishing any of it on here, but it might be taking up my time.

I haven't been doing much reading in the past couple of weeks, either, (unless you count the book for the GRA review) but there's definitely some I want to get caught up on eventually. I've been trying to keep up with SGmijumaru 's latest: Pokémon Chronicles Zero. I'm also partially through ChronaLilly 's Second Chances and a Warriors fanfic called Clockwise. Plus there are a few on my Looks Interesting list that I hope to try out at some point.

I'm keeping this short because I'm not sure how much anyone reading this cares, but, if you have a question about a specific book of mine that I haven't mentioned, feel free to ask in comments.

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