Into the forest

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Sorry for the delay! Hope you're not to mad, enjoy!
••••Aye pov••••
Helena woke up before me, she says she woke me up immediately but I think she let me sleep for a bit more.
'Let's figure out how to get out of here,' I say, standing up.
Helena nods and starts inspecting the wall.
I yawn and scratch my head.
I could really go for some food right about now.
Oh ya! My bag!
I crouch done to beside my bag and open it.
Inside there are some extra clothes, a compass, and, Food!
I sit down and open up a bag of bread.
While i munch on it I look around.
There are more cracks in this little square then then the rest of the hallway.
I stand up and look closer at the wall.
I hold the bread in my mouth and trace the cracks with my ring finger.
It kinda looks like a key.
I trace to the end of the "key" and the cracks light up.
'Woah!' I yell, jumping back.
'What did you do?' Asked Helena.
'I just...' I mumble, looking back and forth between Helena and the glowing wall.
Helena chuckles and picks up my bag.
She puts the things back into it and he and my hand.
The wall keeps getting brighter and brighter and all I can do is stare.
She walks calmly back around the corner, dragging me behind her.
Just as we round the corner there's a blinding light.
Helena covers my shocked eyes.
How does she know what to do?
As the light subsides Helena slowly uncovers my eyes.
I rub them.
'Thanks' I say.
She smiles sweetly.
'Lets go' she says.
'Uhhh ya' I nod.
When we come out from the corner the wall is gone and in its place is a vast green wintery  forest.
'How'd we get here?' I ask.
'I think it was magic' Helena whispers.
'Ya' I whisper back.
We walk forward into the forest.
As soon as we stepped outside I was hit with a rush of cold, pine smelling, fresh air.
I breathed in deeply through my.
'Ahhh, it's so nice to be outside isn't it?' I say, twirling around.
'Let's find that cave!' I exclaim.
Helena nods determinedly.
My sneakers leave footprints in the snow, which is small and not tall enough for it to wet my shoes.
As we walk through the forest the birds chirp and squirrels make their noises, and the occasional fox or bunny would scamper in front of us.
Eventually we meet a roadblock.
A wide river stops us from getting to the cave, which should be almost in sight.
'What are we gunna do now?' I mumble.
We could knock over a tree and use it as a bridge, but how would we do that?
We could swim across?
I look at the river. The water rushes past us.
I shake my head. No, the current is to strong and the river is to deep.
'I know a way to cross it' Helena says.
I look at her.
'Let's see it!' I urge.
She walks a little ways away, till she's covered by bushes.
'Come on!' She yells.
I start.
'Oh right,' I say to myself.
I jog over to her.
As I go around the bushes I see boulders in a somewhat straight line.
'Brilliant! How'd you know it was here?' I ask.
Helena shrugs.
'Okay then' I reply. 'So what we hop across?' I ask.
Helena nods.
'Uhhh, you go first, show me how it's done,' i say, backing away from the edge.
Helena tilts her head at me but walks to the edge of the river anyways.
My mouth hangs open as she gracefully hops across the boulders, her foot landing on the very top each time. Show off.
She lands at the other end and gestures her hand for me to follow.
I gulp. How am I supposed to do that?
I take a deep breathe, and step to the edge of the river.
The water rushes just inches past from my feet.
Ok, you can do this. You can do this.
I nervously climb onto the first boulder, resting at the top on my belly.
Ok, first one down, one two three...... 7 more to go.
You can do this.
I Repeat the four word phrase over and over again until I reach the last boulder.
Last one. That wasn't so bad. All I have to do is get over that one and boom! I'm to the other side.
Helena has been cheering me on the whole way. Even now she urges me to hop over to her.
Ok, ok, let's do this. I stand up, wobbly, slowly, and scared out of my wits.
One wrong move and I can fall into the river.
Maybe I can just jump over it? I look over the rock onto to the shore.
No, way to far, I have to step onto and over it.
Well, it's now or never, YOLO right?
I step carefully onto the boulder and jump off it as soon as I have two feet on the top.
I land not so gracefully on shore, rolling a few feet before I stop.
Luckily I wasn't injured that bad, I may have a few bruises but that's fine, nothing I can't handle.
'Abi are you alright?' Asked Helena in her soft, pleasant voice.
'Ya, I'm fine,' I say, getting up and brushing myself off. 'Just a few bumps and bruises, I'll be fine,'
'Alright, if I remember, you said go to a cave?' She asks.
I nod. 'Ya, Hogun said to go to the cave, inside the cave there will be more clothes and food and water. I- I mean we- are supposed to stay there until someone comes to get us,' I explain.
Helena nods, and starts walking back into the forest.
'He-hey! Wait up!' I yell. I jog to catch up.
••••Thor's pov••••
Once I had arrived at midgard I had contacted Man of Iron at once. Now we are all gathered around the meeting table, figuring out what to do.
'We can't just barge into- where did you say these guys lived again?' Man of Iron proclaimed, walking around the room.
'Titan, one if the many moons of Saturn in Midgard's solar system,' I explained.
'That's dangerously close to earth,' mutters Steve.
Yes it is, it's close enough to destroy earth with a war if it breaks out on Titan.
'We can't just barge into Titan and demand we get her back, we need manpower to do that'
'What's this? Tony Stark thinking logically? Never thought I'd see the day,' Says Director Fury. 'Now what we need is to,' He continued. Man of Iron mocked him from behind, mouthing his words and moving his hand as if it were a mouth. 'What we need, Mr.Stark, is for you to stop mocking me before I lose my god damn temper!' Fury said, raising his voice.
Man of Iron rolled his eyes but ceased nonetheless.
''Now, Thor you're sure you didn't see her at all when you looked?' Asks Clint.
I nod.
'Yes, and Hogun said that they took her,' I say, but seeing the doubt on the others faces I add, 'i trust Hogun with my life,'
'Good so then let's go-' starts Man of Iron, but is cut off by Bruce.
'Titans atmosphere is significantly colder than that of earths. To add to the fact the surface of it has zero water,' He explains. 'It is fairly unlikely that we will be able to go there in our current outfits,' he adds, glancing at Natasha Romanoffs' clothing.
'Yes that would be a problem,' says Clint.
'Figure this out, soon.' Commands Fury. 'Aye is a valuable information source, and power source, find her,' He walks out of the room.
'Yes sir!' Salutes Steve. 'I want Stark and Bruce to find a way to upgrade our suits to include water, food, and air for a few days,'
'You heard the man!' Man of Iron states, slapping Bruce in the back and strutting out do the room.
Bruce follows with a wince.
'Nat, Clint, I want you to gather as much information on Titan as you can, classified or not, get it,' Steve orders.
Nat and Clint nod.
'Thor, you go back to Asgard and search every possible direction Aye could have gone, if she happens to be on Asgard then we don't have to go to Titan and I would prefer it that way,' he says.
I nod, and walk out the door.
Getting to a spot where I can open the bridge, Heimdell opens the gate and I am back to Asgard.
'Heimdell,' I nod to him as I rush past.
He nods back.
Look for Aye. I think as I run across the bridge.
Hogun said he had directed her to the cave, but did she make it there?
While I was thinking I had gotten to the underground hallway in which Aye fled.
I walk slowly down the damp hall. My steps making wet taps as my feet touch the floor. I continually scan the walls for any sign of a door or a crevice she might have used to escape.
My mind is quiet as I search.
I see a slight shadow, it's darker than the rest of the wall.
It must be something!
I rush up to it, feeling the wall leading to it.
My hand reaches a gap, Big enough for Aye to he through but not big enough to draw attention to it. She must have used this.
I make the gap wider with Mjölnir before stepping in.
I walk a few feet before entering another hallway. This one is more curved, but older looking then the other one. It has more cobwebs and is darker but less scuffed and less used.
I run deeper into the tunnel, taking a left then a right then a left continuously.
I eventually come to a road block. A dead end.
No problem, not while I have Mjölnir. I bash open the wall, and have to squint at how bright it is. On the other side of the wall is the forest.
She could have gone any direction.
Might as well fly.
I swing Mjölnir around and around until it propels into the air. It makes a deep whooshing sound, like the sound of a flying raven.
I first go left, then right, then, seeing no signs of Aye, I head straight ahead.
My eyes dart to and fro as I fly across the tips of the trees. When I reach a clearing it is so unexpected I jump.
I settle down on the ground, and listen to the rush of the river. I walk on the edge of the river as I look for a means of crossing Aye could have used.
My eyes dart to the ground as I spot footprints.
Two sets, of footprints.
Aye was followed.
I follow the footprints to a line of boulders. They go straight enough across the river that Aye could have used them to cross.
So could her pursuer.
I must hurry, no time for stopping.
I am on her trail now.
I jump across the river.
There are scuff marks on the grass here. Ayemust have struggled against her purser. My eyes follow the pair of footprints leading into the forest.
She must have gotten away and then was chased. She must be close by then!
I track her path through the forest.
I will find you, Aye.
I will find you and protect you, at all costs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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