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****Ayes Pov****
"Thor,what is the meaning of this!" Demands The All Father.

I can't say I'm perfectly at ease right now. I'm terrified! What if this guy doesn't let me stay here?! What if he gets mad at Thor because of me?! 'Calm  down Aye calm down'

"Father, you must forgive me for bringing Miss Aye here so suddenly but it could not wait"
"What couldn't wait"
Thor looks at me and with hesitation he nods,confirming that I can show the All Father my hand.

I nervously untie the cloth that Hogun gave me,visibly shaking. I'm struggling with the cloth so Thor gently takes my hands away and unties it himself. I smile in appreciation at him and look at The All Father. He is looking down on me in judgment, non trusting, eyes.

I look down at my hand again and Thor has just finished untying the cloth. I take a deep,shaky breath and slowly tilt my hand so that the All Father can see it.  He whispers something to the guard standing beside him. The guard ran out of the room. "Aye, stand outside, Lady Sif will come get you" Says The All Father. "Ok, See you later,All Father!" I say,bowing. I get up from my bow and speed walk towards the door.

I was a little nervous to leave Thor but then I looked at The All Father and that nervousness feeling became an anxious feeling,anxious to get out of the room! That guy scared me, it was just the vibe I got off of him, that and he reminds me of Fury.

I close the door behind me and sit down beside it. I take the time to look at my surroundings, take in more then glimpses. 'Oooo,what's that!' I ask myself,looking at a door. It looks out of place in the gold castle, which is what set off my curiosity alarm. I stand up and look around, seeing no one I run to the door. I again look behind me and attempt to open the door.

It's locked.

'Well duh Aye,it's a out of place door, of course it's locked, common sense!'

I don't have a bobby pin, my hair is down,like always. I look really hard at the doorknob,trying to figure out how to open it, and it gets enveloped in orange light, almost clear. It turns and the door opens. I look at the Infinity Stone, or that's what Vollstagg called it, and mentally thank it.

I run through the doorway and quickly close it. I walk down steps to be greeted with a bunch of rooms, protected by a orange/yellow wall, but the wall is also clear so that screws with my logic a bit.

I walk down the hallway, looking at each room. In the rooms are things, I don't know what they are but they seem humanoid,ish. I stop when I come to a different looking room. This one has furniture and looks awfully homey, but it looks fake. Another thing different about this was that there was a man in there.

I looked around the room, and he looked at me. "Hello,my name is Aye, what's your name?" I say, looking at him.

Our eyes meet and I get a headache, much like the one I had before,when I one of my memories back. I collapse and and scream, the pain is unbearable.
I am home alone today and currently I am outside,climbing to the top of the big, pine tree in my front yard.

Suddenly a bright flash meets my eyes and I quickly cover them. The sudden movement made me start to fall, and I hit several branches as I go down. I brace myself for the ground but instead I am met with a gentle stop, right in the air. I open my eyes and catch my breath. I'm suddenly slowly passing branches and am soon in the arms of a man, his black hair is slicked back and he is wearing some sort of green and gold armour. I smile weakly and lean my head against his chest. "Thank you,for catching me" I look back up and he is smiling. I get up off of his arms and stand up, taking my hood off. "I'm Aye what's your name?" I ask. "I am Loki,of Asgard, Here to blend in and learn about humans" he says. I give him a questioning look and he points to the garage door. "Maybe we should go inside, we must get to know each other better" I nod and lead him to the door. I open it and walk in, him close behind. I then go straight ahead to the door connecting the garage with the house. I open it and step inside, taking of my shoes, and sweater. I look behind me and see that Loki has changed into a regular shirt and pants. I don't ask, for there will be lots of time to ask questions later. And turn fully to him. "I'm gunna go change, meet me in the basement" I say, nodding to the stairs. "Alright" he says, before walking down the stairs. I run to my room and take off my twig filled grubby pants and replace them with purple shorts. I quickly run down stairs and see him on the couch,in front of the tube t.v. I sit down beside him, leaning on the exorcise ball that was conveniently there,and rest my legs in a cross legged form. "So, what happened when I fell out of the tree?" I ask.
"I believe that the light of me coming to earth made you sheild your eyes and that sudden movement must have made you lose balance and fall, unfortunately I could not stop you in time from hitting a few branches but I used my magic to stop you from hitting the ground lowered you down into my arms"  Loki says
"K how did you change so quickly"
He stands up and his regular clothes are replaced with his armour.
"Ok what magic"
Loki grins and changes back to his regular cloths. "Ready?" He asks. "Yes?" I say,more of a question. He looks around and fixates his eyes on the left over glass of ice tea I had when I was watching tv. The tea began to move out of the cup and make patterns. Then it goes back in its cup. Loki turns back to me and I look at him and back at the tea. "show me more!!" I say in delight. He then just stares at me, doing nothing. I frown. "Fine be like that, don't show me anything" suddenly I feel something poke me on the shoulder. I turn around and see, LOKI!!??? "What the" I turn back around and the other Loki is gone. "What he fridge just happened?" I shake my head, "never mind, you have to leave now", I say, looking at him. His smile fades and he looks sad. "What is the reason I must leave for?" He asks,looking down. "My parents will be here soon and I don't want them to see you, they will get worried" I say. He nods and I hug him. "Later Loki!" He hugs me back after a second and I let go. He pulls back and smiles. "Goodbye, Aye" he then disappears and just then I hear the door open.
****Flashback over****
I open my eyes and get up, I look at the man in the room, realizing its Loki I smile. "Hey Loki" i say. He raises his head. Tears falling from his eyes. He smiles. "Hello Aye"

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