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                       I remember falling

I feel I'm in water so i swim upwards. I burst through the surface and open my eyes. I was in the middle of an ocean . I look around and see that shores just a little while away. I start swimming towards it.

When I get onto land I start towards the forest. I am so scared but I keep moving. So many questions fly around my head like, where and I? And how did I get here? But i just push them aside and keep running.

I come across a camp. The tents have an eagle? I think it was an eagle,on them. I check in one of the tents and go inside. 'There is a bunch of stuff in here' I think.

I notice a small earpiece. 'Perfect.' I grab it and search for a line. I find one and run back to the water. I jump in before anyone notices me.

I go to the spot were I first was. I tune into the line on the earpiece. "I see the target," a male voice  says. I look up and around me but I see no one and nothing other then nature. "Well shoot her with the night night gun," another more in command voice this one also male.Before I have time to figure out what is going on I am pulled under the water by a huge wave. I have just enough time to take a breath before I get pulled under again. "We have to help her!" I hear a male voice say but this one is full of concern. "No she is a target remember?" Says  first voice. "Come on Clint, if she dies then we won't get any information out of her," says a new confident voice, " plus capsicle has already gone to get her," I surface but I don't open my eyes instead I just take another breath right as I get pulled under again. "Fine," said the first voice.

I feel myself being dragged through the water but I'm to tired to open my eyes. I mutter a "Thank you" to my saviour and pass out.

****Clints pov****
I am training in the tower when Fury calls me. "Agent we have a mission for you" Fury says. "What is it" I ask.
"What is that"
"It's an unidentified flying object /girl"
"Just go and shoot her with the night night gun and bring her in for questioning"
"Okay where"
"She landed near campsite 27, oh and just as a precaution we will be sending stark and Rogers with you"
"Good luck"
"Won't need it"

I walk out of the training room and meet up with Tony and Steve.
"Ready!" I ask
"Let's go catch us a lady" says Tony
"Ready" Steve says
We get in the car and drive to S.H.E.I.L.D.
Once we get there we get in a jet and fly to campsite 27.
****time skips****
I search the water for movement. I see a girl floating in the water. She looks terrified. I could barley will myself to tell fury I found her. "I see the target" I say. She looks up but she can't see us since we are cloaked. I can't help but wonder how she heard me. "Then shoot her with the night night gun" replied fury. I hesitated but before I could shoot a massive wave pulled her under the water. I heard Steve yell "We have to help her" "no she's a target remember?" I reply
"Come Clint,if she dies then we won't get any information out of her," Tony says "plus capsicle has already gone to get her" I look down and sure enough Steve is falling through the air, ready to help her. "Fine" I say in defeat. I hear a splash through Steves earpiece and some heavy breathing. I look down and see Steve dragging the target to shore. She says something to him that makes him smile and then she passed out.

I steer the jet down and park it on a flat spot near were Steve is heading to. Tony flies out of it in his suit and helps Steve.

I start to get the back ready for her. I pull down one of the beds from the wall and set up a blanket and pillow. Then I go back to the cockpit and start up the jet again.

I hear the back opening and then the scuttle of feet. I look back and see tony carrying the target, Steve close behind him. I estimate that she is around 15 and no combat skills. She doesn't appear to be a threat other then the fact that she fell from the sky. I shrug and close the back. "Let's go" I hear Steve say. I take off. 'What did she say to make Steve smile?' I wonder.
****time skips****
****Aye's pov****
I wake up in a room that looks like a cabin and find myself looking at the thing I'm clutching. It's a penguin pillow. I turn it around and see a patch of soft fuzzy stuff. On the other side I see a strip of fabric with another piece of fabric covering a rough patch of fabric. I pulled the fabric off of the rough spot and attach it to the soft stuff. It made the pillow stand up. Satisfied with my discovery I put it in the corner of the bed I was lying on.

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