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Thank you for reading this book and any suggestions or things you want the see in the book just comment and I might just put it in the book. Anyways Bye😉
****Aye pov****
Nat and I had just finished our game of monopoly. I had a bandage on my forehead to keep the cut from bleeding.

"So,what do you think of all the guys?" Asks Nat.
"Well Steve I trust the most,he is a old fashioned guy but very polite and caring, Tony I trust second to most because he convinced Clint to help me,but I think he's a little over confident and well,an idiot, I downright strongly dislike Fury, he takes his job before the lives of people close to him, Clint," I look down."Clint is scary,he follows orders like a robot, I can't say much about Bruce because of the thing that he transformed into but when he's human he is a trustworthy guy and I would most likely depend on him to keep my secrets." I look at Natasha. She nods. "I agree with most of them except Clint, on the outside he's cold and mean but if you get to know him,"she blushes,"he's really sweet" I look at her,wondering if what I think just happened,happened. "Do you like Clint?" She blushes even more. I gasp. "Oh my goodness you like Clint!" I scoot beside her. "Tell.me.everything" I say. "I don't have a crush on Clint okay? Just forget about it" Nat says, her blush gone. "Okay okay fine I'll drop it" I lean my head against her shoulder and fall asleep.

When I wake up I'm in an hospital bed. The surrounding white of the room calms be down a bit but it is slightly annoying. "What in the name of Thor?"I ask myself. I look at my arms. 'Oh my goodness what is sticking out of my arm!' I start to panic.

I didn't notice the beeping sound until it started to speed up, becoming more and more constant. A doctor runs in and looks at me. Her eyes are beeming with excitement. Then she comes back to her senses and takes in my panicked face. "Don't worry Aye your fine and the things sticking out of your arm are I.V drips. They put medicine into your body" 'oh okay that's good then' 

I relax and smile up at her. "I'm sorry for the trouble, may I ask,what's your name? Seeing as you know mine," I didn't want her to think I'm rude but that's just my curiosity. "My name is Jemma Simmons," she says. "I must leave now but i will come back to ask you some questions" with that she leaves.

I look at the source of the beeping and almost jump up and down with excitement. 'Oh my goodness what is that!' I struggle to contain my excitement. Just as I calm down Clint bursts through the door,followed by Steve,Nat,Bruce,The guy with the hammer,Fury,and Tony. I can't say I'm both nervous(because of uClint) angered (because of Fury) and overly Happy (because of everyone else) happiness was stronger then nervousness and anger.

"I'm so happy to see you guys! It feels like I haven't for a month!" I say,looking at Steve. Steve had red and puffy eyes and bags under those eyes. My smile fell. I looked at Tony and he just looked stressed and tired. No tears for him. Bruce looked guilty and he also looked tired. Nat looked worried but she contained it amazingly well,If you didn't try to see her emotions then you would have missed it. He guy with the hammer looked worried and his eyes were glassy. Fury looked, well like Fury. No emotion and no nothing. Clint, he looked the worst. He looked like all of them ( -Nat and Fury) combined.

Nat ran up and hugged me even though I was lying on the bed. "Guys, what's wrong? Did anything happen to you? Are you Okay?" I asked worriedly. Steve smiled. "Even though you are the in the hospital bed you're still worried about us," Steve says.

Nat spoke up. "Aye  you were in a coma for a month" she went back to stand beside Steve. "What?" I asked. I looked at the calendar, the only colour in the room besides the people. It was August. "Wha-wha- how?!" I managed to get out. "We don't know,all we know is that you fell asleep on Natasha's shoulder and never woke up until now. Fury said. I nodded. "Did you happen to have any memories come back to you during your sleep?" Asked Clint. He sounded sincere and broken. "N-no" I say, a little taken aback from his voice. Clint looked at Fury, who nodded.

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