Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

 As we reached the hospitals restaurant we took a seat by a big window, it had a beautiful view of a pond with benches for the patients to sit on, around it. Taking in a deep breath I turned back to face the woman. ”Are you Damon’s mother?” I asked. She gave me a small smile before replying” Yes dear I am, my name is Alisha”. “Now to answer your question from earlier,” Before you all left Damon had non stopped gone on about you” she stopped and giggled for a moment. ”He even had a picture of you in his wallet that he carried every where with him”. “He even told me that you where the one he was going to marry! “Or in his own words, mother she is the one” She told me with tears in her eyes. Placing my hand on top of hers, I gave it a light squeeze. Staring up at her I knew, she needed some sort of explanation and I knew I was the one that had to give it to her, after all this is my entire fault. I opened my mouth to start telling her, but she placed a finger over my lips while shaking her head from side to side. “Sheena, you do not have to tell me anything, all I want is for Damon to remember.” She stated as her eyes became watery.

 “What did they do to him?” I asked nervously. She just stared down at our joined hands; I could see her bottom lip trembling as she tried to pull her self together. I started thinking to myself but she cut me off. “I have been trying to contact Lee; Cherelle and you for the last three months now, and every time I asked at the police station, it was as if they knew where you were but wouldn’t tell me”. She said in frustration. “I am sorry, this is my entire fault, I should have never gone to Cherelle’s, and I should have just stayed away.” I said more to myself than to Alisha. “No, Sheena Fate has a strange way of getting  people together, and from what I can see by you and my son, you were meant to be together” she said sternly. Looking straight into her eyes, I could tell that she believed strongly in fate, so I was not going to question her on it. However, I did try to work out, how we were meant to be together, when he hates me. “Alisha, he hates me,” I croaked out, leaving the tears overflow. “No dear he doesn’t remember you, but we just need to help him remember” she replied with a smile. “How?” I asked. Well as soon as you finish your coffee, we will go back to his room and have a conversation between ourselves about him and see if he responds to any of it.” I nodded my head as I swallowed down the last of my coffee.

We had spent hours in his room, but he had no clue what we were going on about. It hurt so much talking about our time together, but seeing him just lying there and not being able to kiss and hug him, hurt me more. I had to leave the room every now and then as it was getting too much for me. Alisha was an amazing woman and mother, and she was so strong, that I wished I were like her. I had also called Cherelle and Lee and they where coming here straight after work.

We were now waiting by the entrance for Cherelle and Lee, as Damon had just fallen asleep. It was quite cold outside, but after being stuck in that hot stuffy room all day, it felt nice.

Then noticing Cherelle and Lee running towards us, I ran towards them and hugged Cherelle. Lee went straight over to Alisha and done the same, after we greeted them and got them up to date with what happened to him, and what was going on, we all headed back to his room.  As I opened the door, I could see he was still asleep; Lee went straight over to his bedside. Watching Lee just staring at Damon, was so upsetting, you could see how much this was affecting him. As for the first time Lee had tears in his eyes, it was as if everything he had bottled up was now finally coming out. Cherelle wrapped her arms around his waist as she comforted him. I watched through my now blurry eyes as they stood there cuddling and comforting each other. I felt a tug at my heart as I began to wonder if Damon would ever want me back, or will he ever remember me. As I was battling with myself, I heard Alisha asking “now that Lee and Cherelle are here, lets go and get that arm of yours x-rayed?” That is when I looked down at my arm and realised how swollen and colourful it had gone, as you could already see the bruising coming through. “Yes please” I replied. We quickly told Lee and Cherelle that we would not be too long, and then we headed towards the x-ray department. Little did I know that Alisha and the nurse had already arranged everything earlier this morning, so now all we had to do was give them my name and I would be seen to straight away.  

I Fake That Smile! ( Completed Watty Awards finalist 2012)Where stories live. Discover now