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Sophie stood on the field holding her broom rubbing her foot over her leg that had an annoying itch.

Minerva stood infront of Dumbledore crying her heart out.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Minerva cried. "Can you imagine a life wondering what this person would have looked like! If she'd look like mommy or daddy!"

"Minerva, please understand. I did this for your own good will." Dumbledore reacted and place his hand on her shoulder as comfort.

"She's my child." Minerva cried.

"Mine too." Dumbledore replied. "I know there's an explanation behind all of this. Sophie doesn't know anything yet."

Dinner has started. Everyone was waiting for their meals, except Sophie. She wasn't there at all.

Minerva sat there looking over everyone but couldn't see her at all.

Sophie walk into a dusted old abandoned room. Big and old.

She look at a little photo on a shelf of Minerva when she was a little younger and pregnant standing with Dumbledore.

A bright little light shine in her eye getting her attention to a big figure that had a dirty white material thrown over it.

She walk to it slowly and pull of the sheets having dust everywhere.

Wishing mirror is what stood in the corner at the frame of the big mirror.

"Wishing mirror." She whispered as word appeared on the view. Magic words are: wishing mirror, wishing mirror. Only one wish. Grant me five wishes. Upon all wizards and witches.

Sophie gave a little smile and start saying the words out loud.

"Wishing mirror, wishing mirror. Only one wish. Grant me five wishes. Upon all  wizards and witches." She said and take a deep breath nervously. "Show me the daughter of professor Mcgonagall."

Nothing. All she saw was her own reflection. She look down then back up at the mirror sadly still just seeing herself.

"Have I done it wrong?" She asked herself and try look behind the mirror. That's when she noticed her reflection isn't moving.

She give it an odd look scanning the odd view she got having no idea what this meant.

Well, she's young. She wouldn't understand.

She roughly decide to see the use of this magic mirror as she place her hands on her hips ready to pop of with another question.

"Wishing mirror, wishing mirror. Only one wish. Grant me five wishes. Upon all wizards and witches. Show me the future legend of Hogwarts." She said and gave a waiting expression.

A view of a boy with a scar on his front head appeared. She gave a gasp as her eyes stretch wide open. At the top stood, Harry Potter.

"Wishing mirror, wishing mirror. Only one wish. Grant me five wishes. Upon all wizards and witches. Why wouldn't you show me professor Mcgonagall's daughter?" Sophie asked waiting for a reply.

She is Sophie Rodriguez stood on the mirror.

Sophie look at the birth mark in her neck then back at the words.

It's all there. It's all related to the evidence.

"Where's Sophie?" Minerva asked Albus that also sat there in confusion.

Their daughter ((Harry Potter)) ON HOLDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant